1.2.5. Friend of the Eardrum (FoE)


Please use the component’s name (to lower case) as an anchor and replace spaces by an underscore. Leave out any other special characters. The only exceptions to this rule are either a title that consists of of a name and an abbreviation in brackets, e.g. “My Amazing Component With An Acronym (MACWAA)” in which case the anchor is only the acronym (so macwaa here), or a name and an explanation in bracket, e.g. “FooBarBaz (Testing Component)” in which case only the name is used (i.e. foobarbaz).

Description Interfaces

Scope (Listener) Type
Scope (Informer) Type
Scope (Local Server) + Method Argument Type Return Type
Scope (Remote Server) + Method Argument Type Return Type
/scope/scope/method() Examples