1.17. Person Manager

The person managing component fuses multimodal data on top of the RSB middleware, making it possible to combine the person information available through external sensors with other system components.

1.17.2. Interfaces



1.17.3. Examples

Starting the person manager component:

Within the CSRA setup there are several depth cameras that generate a rstsandbox.hri.PersonHypotheses-Output. The local trackers actually generate the data within one coordinate system, named Home.

Through the command line the inputs can be defined like following:

pro-pm --targetFrame Home --scope /citec/csra/home/person \
       --input "--name kitchen1  --scope /citec/csra/home/kitchen/cam1/person  --type PersonHypothesesInput --sourceFrame Home --all_single" \
       --input "--name kitchen2  --scope /citec/csra/home/kitchen/cam2/person  --type PersonHypothesesInput --sourceFrame Home --all_single" \
       --input "--name hallway1 --scope /citec/csra/home/hallway/cam1/person  --type PersonHypothesesInput --sourceFrame Home --all_single" \
       --input "--name hallway2 --scope /citec/csra/home/hallway/cam2/person  --type PersonHypothesesInput --sourceFrame Home --all_single" \
       --input "--name living1   --scope /citec/csra/home/living/cam1/person   --type PersonHypothesesInput --sourceFrame Home --all_single" \
       --input "--name living2   --scope /citec/csra/home/living/cam2/person   --type PersonHypothesesInput --sourceFrame Home --all_single" \
       --input "--name living3   --scope /citec/csra/home/living/cam3/person   --type PersonHypothesesInput --sourceFrame Home --all_single" \
       --input "--name living4   --scope /citec/csra/home/living/cam4/person   --type PersonHypothesesInput --sourceFrame Home --all_single" \
       --input "--name rfid      --scope /citec/csra/home/hallway/entrance/rfid-mid    --type PersonIdentifierInput --sourceFrame Home --all_single"