1.1.5. Button Infrastructure

Buttons all over the apartment can be used to request scenes, scenarios, or tasks in the apartment’s Component Coordination. For each labeled button (with a blue LED),

the button service registers an rsb listener of the form /citec/csra/home/<location>/button/. The location can be any of hallway, kitchen, or living. If a button provides an alias (configured via the bco-registry-editor) with a prefix Task, Scenario, or Scene, the respective

service is called with the remainder of the alias to execute. For example, the button aliased to Scenario-learnface will trigger the Scenario Coordination with learnface at /coordination/request/scenario/learnface. The button service will never send anything on the button scopes, status updates however could be retrieved by listening on the respective coordination components.

The following buttons are currently configured inside the apartment: Main entrance

Buttons mounted at the main entrance
Left Right
Standard Scene Demo Scene
Register Scenario Learn Face Scenario
(light on) (light off) Hallway

Buttons mounted at the end of the hallway
Scene Panel
Left Right
Meeting Scene Debug Scene
Reading Scene Entertainment Scene
Pary Scene Socialiing Scene
Task Panel
Left Right
Next Song Task Stop Music Task
Study Data Task Auto Light Task
Light On Task Light Off Task Kitchen access

Buttons mounted in the kitchen next to the fridge
Left Right
Cooking Scene Dinner Scene
- Cleanup Scenario
(light on) (light off) Sports door

Buttons mounted in the living room next to the sports door
Left Right
(record start) (record stop)
Testing Scenario Standard Scene
(light on) (light off)

The only buttons that do not trigger the coordination are light switches, “Aufnahme start” and “Aufnamhe stop” at the sports door (see above). Those are instead handled by the Automatic Recording component.