rsbext – Support for advanced Scope handling

This module provides 4 directives. The following 2 directives are used to define scopes. They will not be shown though. To display collections of defined scopes refer to Show Scopes. Define Scopes

.. rsbpubsub:: type scope message_type description


.. rsbpubsub:: OUT /io/display/mirror/face string Detektierte Person vor dem Spiegel

rsbpubsub expects 4 arguments. The first 3 arguments must not contain whitespaces. The first argument defines the type of how the scope is used. Use IN to express that the component in question expects to receive data on this scope. Use OUT if the component sends information.

Second, the RSB scope is expected. Third, the message_type can be a primitive (int, string, boolean) or an RST type, such as rst.generic.Value. The description should define the purpose of the received or sent data in respect to the documented component.

.. rsbrpc:: type scope method in_type out_type description


.. rsbrpc:: CALLS /service/kognidb/ register_app string string Registriert Anwendung 'kognichef'

rsbrpc is used in a similar fashion. type can be either CALLS for consumer of an RPC or PROVIDES if the endpoint is provided by the component. scope and method are separated by a whitespace. Show Scopes

.. rsbpubsublist::


This is a list of all PubSub scopes defined in this document
.. rsbpubsublist::

This is a list of all components which send information on scopes related to sensors
.. rsbpubsublist::
    :type: OUT
    :filter: sensor
The following options are supported:
  • type – filter scopes by kind
  • global – use all defined scopes
  • filter – only show scopes that contain the filter string

The list directive will only consider scopes defined in the same file as the directive if global is not used. The global option can be used to create overview sections. In combination with filter it is possible to create collections for complex systems.

.. rsbrpclist::


.. rsbrpclist::
    :type: PROVIDES
    :filter: register

rsbrpclist supports the same options as rsbpubsublist.