gritch /grich/ [MIT] 1. n. A complaint (often caused by a
{glitch}). 2. vi. To complain. Often verb-doubled: "Gritch
gritch". 3. A synonym for {glitch} (as verb or noun).
Interestingly, this word seems to have a separate history from
{glitch}, with which it is often confused. Back in the early
1960s, when `glitch' was strictly a hardware-tech's term of art,
the Burton House dorm at M.I.T. maintained a "Gritch Book", a
blank volume, into which the residents hand-wrote complaints,
suggestions, and witticisms. Previous years' volumes of this
tradition were maintained, dating back to antiquity. The word
"gritch" was described as a portmanteau of "gripe" and
"bitch". Thus, sense 3 above is at least historically incorrect.
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