Call for papers: Special session at ICANN 2017
Self-assessment in advanced machine learning models

11-15 September 2017 Alghero, Sardinia, Italy

Official Website

Self-assessment refers to the ability of a machine learning model to judge the security of its classification. It constitutes a crucial requirement in safety critical applications such as driver assistance systems, predictive maintenance of plants, or medical classifications; further, self-assessment constitutes one crucial property for classifier fusion. While confidence estimation performs reliably for classical batch classification, their applicability is limited for complex machine learning scenarios such as online learning models, learning scenarios which are subject to drift, heterogeneous models, models which involve complex structured data, or interactive models which incorporate human expertise. The special session aims for contributions connected to the following non- exhaustive list of topics:

Important dates:

Paper submission: March 19, 2017
Paper Decision notification: May 5, 2017
Camera-ready submission: May 30, 2017
Conference Dates: September 11-15, 2017
Link to submission page
