7.1. Performing an apartment test and a demonstration¶
A demo shows interaction with and between the agents in the CSRA.
7.1.1. Roles¶
- Presenter (explains the system and interaction)
- Guests (want to see the demo)
7.1.2. Preparations¶ Step 1: Reboot the System¶
For a description see System Reboot. Step 2: Launch VDemo¶
Start VDemo with the current version for testing/presenting.
Press “check all” to check if all components are really switched off - all components appear red.
Start the components with “start all” - all components should appear green.
- If not: note the red-blinking and try to start it again. If this fails, set them to “no auto”.
Repeat this until all components are green or deactivated.
Login on core machine mpc via VDemo and perform the bco system validation.
Type “bco-validate” and wait for “validation successful”.
Report timeouts and offline units if they are listed.
Check if bcozy is displayed on cdg and lol.
Check if the logo is white or green after touching it.
Check if areas are green where persons are detected (at least your position should be green).
If something doesn’t work, see Troubleshooting Step 3: Systemtest¶
- Launch Jenkins via https://ayq.csra.cit-ec.de/.
- Check if there are generated distribution errors for rc, nightly and meka and write them down.
- Check if there are unstable jobs for rc, nightly and meka and note them.
- If there are failed Jenkins-integration-tests, document them.
7.1.3. Demo procedure¶ Introduction¶
- Each participant must sign a declaration of consent.
- Everyone enters the apartment through the front door.
- Presenter stands in front of Flobi.
- Screens should be turned on when approaching.
- Flobi should breath and look at you
- Presenter:
Hallo Flobi
- Speechrecognition-bar changes text when talking and changes color when looking (blue) or green when mouth is moving.
- Flobi:
- Speechrecognition-bar shortly changes to red on the right side. Flobi moves his mouth and his answer can be heard.
- Presenter:
Flobi, wer bin ich?
- Flobi:
Das kann ich nicht sagen. Registration/Login¶
- Presenter:
Flobi, ich möchte mich anmelden.
- Flobi:
Dann halte deine Karte vor das Lesegerät. ... Fertig.
- Presenter scans RFID card
- The person is registered and visualized on the map, with a “working” person hypothesis.
- Presenter:
Flobi, wer bin ich?
- Flobi:
{Name} Person recognition¶
Flobi, kannst du mich wiedererkennen?
- Flobi:
- Option A:
Tut mir leid, ich kenne dich nicht.
- Option B:
- Option A:
Flobi, lerne mein Gesicht.
Dann schau bitte in die Kamera und gib deinen Namen ein.
The presenter enters his name via an input field and stands in front of the tablet.
Ich habe dein Gesicht gelernt.
Flobi, kannst du mich wiedererkennen?
{Name} Interaction with Flobi¶
Flobi mach das Licht aus.
Mach ich aus.
Flobi, mach das Licht an.
Ich mache das Licht an. Das Licht ist jetzt für zehn Minuten an.
Flobi, wir haben jetzt eine Demo.
Das ist das ... Apartment...
- System: Transition to demo scene
Warm-white lighting
Projector shows person tracking
Tv shows scene graph
- Tablet shows bcozy
- A video is played in the robot room
Das Apartment ist jetzt im Demomodus Kitchen scene¶
Presenter stands in front of the Flobi tablet or is already in the kitchen
Screens should be turned on when approaching.
Flobi should breath and look at you
Hallo Flobi
Speech-recognition-bar changes text when talking and changes color when looking (blue) or green when mouth is moving.
Hallo / +{Name}
Speech-recognition-bar shortly changes to red on the right side. Flobi moves his mouth and his answer can be heard.
If there was a registration in the hallway, Flobi should now address the presenter by his name.
Flobi, lass uns die Küche aufräumen.
Lights in the kitchen are turned on.
Okay. Dann lass uns die Küche aufräumen.
Hallo. Möchtest du vielleicht erst einmal was trinken?
Ja gerne.
Im Kühlschrank findest du kalte Getränke und im Schrank sind Gläser.
Bedien dich ruhig und sag mir Bescheid wenn du fertig bist!
The kitchen-cupboard-handle lights up.
Ich bin fertig.
Falls du noch mehr trinken möchtest, weißt du ja jetzt wo du sie findest.
- Flobi:
Ich könnte deine Hilfe gebrauchen:
Vor mir liegen Dinge, die ich noch nicht wegräumen konnte. Magst du mir helfen?
- Flobi:
Ja gerne.
Super, danke. Räum die Sachen bitte weg. Wenn du nicht weißt, wo etwas
hinkommt, kannst du mich gerne Fragen.
Wo kommt der Teller hin?
In diesen Schrank.
The kitchen-cupboard-handle lights up.
Wo kommt der Topf hin?
In diesen Schrank.
The lower drawer handle is blinking.
Wo kommt das Besteck hin?
In diese Schublade.
The kitchen-drawer-handle lights up.
Ich bin fertig.
Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe.
The kitchen lights dimm down.
Presenter leaves the kitchen.
Bis dann. Handle demo¶
this is a light version of the Kitchen scene
Presenter is in the kitchen
Hallo Flobi.
System initializes dialog
- Options:
Flobi, wo kommt ... hin?
der Becher
das Glas
der Teller
die Gabel
die Schüssel
der Löffel
- Options:
Flobi mentions location
System highlights handle Flobi questions¶
- Presenter:
Wo ist die Pflanze?
- Flobi:
Dort in der Ecke.
- Presenter:
Wo ist die Pflanze genau?
- System switches on light in the corner of the plant.
- Presenter:
Wo ist der Wasserkocher?
- Pan-Tilt beamer points at the plant.
- Presenter:
Wo ist die Soundgestaltung?
- Flobi:
Im Badezimmer.
- The Bathroom can be visited.
- Presenter:
Flobi welche neuen Experimente gibt es hier?
- Flobi:
Es gibt einige neue Exponate zur Steuerung der ambienten Elemente des
Apartments. Dazu gehört (ein Zen-Garteni für ambienten Sound sowie; [0.9 only])
Möglichkeiten zur interaktiven Gestaltung der Soundumgebung. Außerdem
haben wir eine Pflanze, die Feedback zum aktuellen Energieverbrauch
des Haushaltes gibt.
- Presenter:
Welche Daten werden hier aufgezeichnet?
- Flobi:
Wenn du einen Eindruck von den Daten, die hier aufgezeichnet werden,
bekommen willst, schau dir am Besten mal das Dashboard an.
- System shows Graphana data on the tv screen
- Presenter:
Flobi zeig mir Studiendaten.
- Flobi:
Hier auf dem Fernseher kannst du einige Studiendaten sehen.
- System shows ELAN screenshot on tv screen Setting scenes¶
- Presenter:
Flobi starte den ...-Modus
or presses the respective button: - Party
- Loud party music is played
- Party pictures are displayed
- Blinds go down
- Changing colorful light
- Demo
- Map is shown on beamer
- Flobi is shown on the displays
- Scenegraphs is shown on TV
- A video is played in the robot room
- Debug
- Graphana is on TV
- Map is shown on beamer
- Microphones are visualized
- False ceiling light is on
- All lamps and handles are on and white
- Music is turned off
- Lesen
- Calm music is played
- Beamer shows an image
- Warm/pleasent light
- Sofa lamp is switched on
- Meeting
- Calender on TV
- CITEC logo is shown on beamer
- Music is turned off
- All lights are bright
- Socializing
- Youtube Channel is played on TV
- Warm/pleasent light
- Funny skatshes/pictures
- Kino
- Video is played on TV
- Pictures on beamer
- Blinds go down
- Lights in living-room are turned off and dimmed elsewhere
- Studien
- Study-image is displayed on TV
Dinner (music!)
- Presenter:
System starts music and changes display (tv, projector, tablet) content
Modus should be reset to demo or standard mode with scene buttons in case the music does not allow for proper speech detection Power consumption monitoring¶
- Presenter can turn on and off the lights via green button in robot-room/corridor
- Presenter makes a remark about the calm water flowing sound and the bird chirping
- Bird chirping is triggered by changing rooms (movement detection units)
- Walking in kitchen can be heard (grass)
- Presenter turns on water kettle
- System changes water flow into a raining setting
- System lids infoplant yellow and pulls down leaf
- Presenter turns on either coffee machine or microwave
- System changes rain to thunderstorm
- System changes infoplant color to red and pulls down leaf even further
- After switching of the kettle the plant light should be turned off Magic light¶
- Presenter points at lamp steady for a while
- TV-lamp
- Two Window-lamps
- livingroom-lamp
- diningroom-lamp
The system toggles the targeted light on or off Soundscapes¶
Presenter is in the bathroom
Buzzwords: intuitive, experimental interface, no camera/privacy, to create pleasant ambient environments
Scan rfid objects above the sink
- System changes sound and light
- owl – night scene
- shell – beach
- piece of wood – forrest
- pearl – abstract soundscape Greeting the Mekabot¶
- Presenter:
Flobi, ist Meka da?
- Flobi:
Ja. Ich versuche ihn zu holen.
- Mekabot navigates to the end of the hallway.
- Meka:
Guten Tag {alle aktuell bekannten Namen}, hallo liebe Gäste.
Bitte kommen sie doch mit ins Wohnzimmer.
Hier kann ich ihnen verschiedene Exponate zeigen.
- Mekabot turns around and navigates back to his place.
- Flobi:
Danke, Meka. Viel Spaß beim Erkunden des Apartments. Grasping with Meka [?]¶
- Presenter:
Meka, hol mir den Tee.
- Meka:
Soll ich den Tee holen?
- Presenter:
- Meka:
Okay. Ich hole den Tee.
- Meka navigates to the kitchen appliance. Grabs the tee. Navigates back.