Universität Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld - Technische Fakultät - AG Wissensbasierte Systeme

S. Kopp, I. Wachsmuth:
Planning and Motion Control in Lifelike Gesture: A Refined Approach

Post-proceedings of Computer Animation 2000 (pp. 92-97). IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000.



In this paper an operational model for the automatic generation of lifelike gestures of
an anthropomorphic virtual agent is described. The biologically motivated approach to
controlling the movements of a highly articulated figure provides a transformation of
spatiotemporal gesture specifications into an analog representation of the movement
from which the animations are directly rendered. To this end, knowledge-based computer
animation techniques are combined with appropriate methods for trajectory formation
and articulated figure animation.

A. Kranstedt, 15.07.2003