Ruzena Bajcsy
received her first Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the Slovak
Technical University, Bratislava in 1967. In October 1967, she
received a fellowship from Stanford University to study Artificial
Intelligence with Professor J. McCarthy, and she there completed a
second Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1972. After this, she accepted
a faculty position in the Computer and Information Science
Department at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia where
she continued working in the general area of Machine Perception,
including 3D shape recognition by vision and touch. In 1983 she
introduced a new research paradigm, called Active Perception, which
connects perception with action. Her recent research themes include
the investigation of cooperative behaviours amongst machines and
humans. The GRASP laboratory which she has built up at the
University of Pennsylvania now enjoys a worldwide reputation.
Among many other professional services, Ruzena Bajcsy was the
general chair, together with Shimon Ullman, of the 2nd
International Conference on Computer Vision in 1988, and Program
Chair of the International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence 1993. She is a founding fellow of AAAI, fellow of
IEEE, and she was recently elected to the organization board of the
Computer Research Association (CRA) representing all the Ph.D.
departments in North America.