Universität Bielefeld - Technische Fakultät - AG Wissensbasierte Systeme - GW'97

Gesture Workshop '97

September 17th - 19th, 1997, University of Bielefeld - ZiF

Registrants are advised to process room reservations as early as possible by sending the attached accomodation sheet to

Am Bahnhof 6
D-33602 Bielefeld

The deadline for reservations is August, 1st 1997. After that, the Tourist-Information can not process your request with a sufficient chance of success!

We ask your kind understanding for the following modalities: WEGE mbH only acts as mediating agency in room accomodation and cannot assume liability. Your room reservation is binding; on short-notice cancellation the Hotel Company may charge a compensatory fee. To avoid double reservations, please issue your reservation either by mailing the accomodation sheet to the above address or by faxing it to FAX No. +49-521-17 88 11.

                                        Sender (please write carefully)

                                        Last Name: ___________________________________

                                        First Name: __________________________________

                                        Institution: _________________________________
WEGE mbH                                Address: _____________________________________
Am Bahnhof 6
                                        City/ZIP Code/Country:________________________
D-33602 Bielefeld
Germany                                 Phone: _______________________________________

                                        Fax: _________________________________________

                                        email: _______________________________________ 

Gesture Workshop '97, September 17th - 19th, 1997, University of Bielefeld - ZiF

|  Quantity  |    Room type   |  Day of arrival  |  Day of departure  |
|            |  Single (EZ)   |                  |                    |
|            |  Double (DZ)   |                  |                    |

Traveling by
( ) public transportation
( ) by car

Category (please mark your preference)

        Group I  	       Group II	               Group III
  ( ) EZ DM 160 - 220    ( ) EZ DM 100 - 160     ( ) EZ DM  60 - 100
  ( ) DZ DM 220 - 280    ( ) DZ DM 160 - 220     ( ) DZ DM 100 - 160

In case your preferred category is no more available, we assume you accept accomodation in higher or lower category, resp.

Name: _____________________________ Phone: ________________________

Address: _____________________________ Fax: ________________________

City: ____________________________ ZIP Code: ________________________

Signed: _______________________________

For further information, get in contact with the Tourist Information directly (Fax & Address see above). Information brochures can be requested in English, French, and German.

Authors: Martin Fröhlich, Ipke Wachsmuth, comments welcome.

Revision: $Id: hotel-helper.html,v 1.2 1996/12/20 19:05:14 martinf Exp $