MicroSoft Word Styles for Version 6 and Version 7. This are
beta versions of the files in question. Springer suggests to
use the example document as a template. Inform if you encounter
problems or if you have questions.
- Authors' Instructions for
the Preparation of Camera-Ready Contributions to LNCS/LNAI
Proceedings using MicroSoft Word
- Example document. Use it as a
- The Style File. Refere to your
Word handbook to see how to use third party style files for your own
- All files in one zip archive.
Please note: We can not provide more style files than the
above. Please contact if you can not
live with them.
Electronic Submission: LNCS Online
We are still evaluating which methods are reasonable for the
electronic submission of the source documents as required by
Springer. We will report here and at the GW97 main
page in the latest news section about the outcome of that
Using the LaTeX styles will be a good choice in any case!
Guidelines for contributions to the Workshop Proceedings
- As announced in the call for papers, and for the sake of
presenting a sound and coherent outcome, the proceedings of the 1997
Bielefeld Gesture Workshop are prepared after the convention. The
proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence series, a subseries of the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series.
- A requirement is that all contributions for the book are
reviewed. A scientific committee will be formed that reviews final
submissions. All delegates that have presented work at the workshop
(as talk or as poster) are invited to submit an improved version of
their original manuscript.
- It is to be understood that papers submitted for the
proceedings volume are not automatically included. Evaluation will be
based on the scientific relevance, originality, and the overall
quality of presentation, and will result in categories (a) accept, (b)
accept pending revision, (c) reject. We will try to include summaries
of work that currently does not justify a full-blown paper.
- Submissions must present original work: not formerly published,
accepted for publication, or submitted for another conference. Papers
must be in English and must not exceed 12 pages, incl. figures and
literature references (Springer format; We require that
papers be prepared in the widely-used Springer "Lecture
Notes in Computer Science" style). Papers are to be submitted in
4 hard copies to the address given below.
- Each submission must have a cover page giving the title of the
contribution, names and addresses (including email) of all authors, a
correspondence address, and a short abstract which also names the
specific subfield and a list of keywords describing the work.
- Please do your best in preparing a sound and well-written paper
that includes original work and that clearly presents research results
to the extent possible. Writers that are not native speakers of
English are strongly recommended to have a native speaker check their
- Target dates
- 20 October '97
- Submission of improved manuscripts for
the proceedings
- 20 November '97
- Notification of acceptance/revisions
and final style guide
- 20 December '97
- Submission of camera-ready manuscripts
- All registered participants that have paid their fees will
receive one free copy of the proceedings. Workshop delegates will be
entitled to subscribe for a restricted number of further copies at a
reduced conference rate.
Ipke Wachsmuth & Martin Fröhlich
- GW 97 Proceedings -
Faculty of Technology, University of Bielefeld
P.O. Box 100131, D-33501 Bielefeld, Germany
These are intendend to be a browser independend
pages. Please report any problems which occur while visiting this
Authors: Martin Fröhlich, Ipke Wachsmuth,
comments welcome. Revision:
$Id: WritingGuidelines.html,v 1.12 1997/12/08 12:45:11 martinf Exp $