Intelligent Systems Lab Project: Interactive Digital Attachments
- Katharina Suhre
- Markus Broelemann
- Max Peters
- Sebastian Rottschäfer
- Tim Pontzen
Associated Members
- Matthias Orlikowski
- Nowadays there is almost no interaction between physical and digital working spaces
- Growing influence of digitalisation of working environments require a balancing act of the user
- Documents, most of the time, are either digital or physical
- Sharing physical documents is complicated and time consuming
- Physical documents can not have meaningful, i.e. hierarchical connections to other documents
- Printed documents cannot display multimedia content
The systemInteractive Digital Attachments(INDIGA) aims at overcoming these limitations by using new technology in augmented reality to identify physical documents and link them to digital documents.
First term
Application scenario
Application scenario
Businesses that heavily depend on documents and want to improve their workflow and efficiency are predestined for a system that simplifies sharing of whole document structures (e.g. documents belonging to a certain contract) and enable linking meaningful attachments to a master document.
Specific scenario
A soap manufacturer asks an advertising agency to design an additional landing page for their website which is supposed to target male students. The agency uses INDIGA to manage their documents. One employee has drawn a design draft (physical document with an identifier for the system). He places the document on his table in range of the camera that detects the document. He then attaches it to the requirements document his supervisor sent to him. He then shares the requirements document with a web developer.
The project goal is to extend the possibilites of a physical workspace by providing the following capabilities
- Recognize paper documents by marker IDs
- Manage digital attachements
- Link and group documents digitally
- Share documents with colleagues
- Intuitive interaction

The setup uses a camera for document detection, placed above the user, facing down on the desktop and a camera that detects gestures to navigate through the system's menu. The down facing camera recognizes markers on documents to search a database and display them in the system. The user can then interact with them via gestures to group or link them with other documents or share them with other users. New documents can be added to the database via a second, more elaborate, interface that is operated with a mouse and keyboard.
- Bielefeld Augmented Reality Tracker (BART) to recognise documents with AR-markers
- JavaFX GUI with SQLite database to manage documents and display camera streams (connection to BART via RSB)
- Intel® RealSense™ SDK and 3D camera for gesture recognition
- Conventional webcam for tracking documents
Working demo system, which includes:- GUI-Interaction via mouse/keyboard or gesture camera (gesture recognition has stability flaws)
- stable AR-marker based detection of paper documents with reasonable performance
- local multiple-user SQLite database to manage document data
- grouping system to organise and share document data
The video shows a number of basic use cases including adding documents to the system, login for multiple users, display of recognised documents, and attaching and sharing documents via gestures/hand recognition.
Discussion and conclusion
- All planned basic features were successfully implemented:
- Document database structure
- Displaying additional information for recognized documents
- Features for collaborative work (Sharing and linking of documents)
- Menu navigation by gestures
- Managing document groups and attachments
- Advanced features that are not implemented yet:
- Displaying documents (e.g. text documents, images, videos) in the system
- Additional interaction possibilites on attachments of documents
- So far only basic gestures are available, advanced gestures that allow more precise interface handling are still missing
The implemented system is able to represent physical documents in a digital system. By this, it enables the user to work with collaborative concepts like sharing and grouping.
However, after implementing and testing the gesture navigation, we noticed the disadvantages of moving your hand freely in a 3 dimensional space in front of the gesture camera that has no noticable borders.
As we also have no possibility of giving haptic feedback, this leads to inaccuracies in interface handling and triggers unintended actions of the system.
Moreover the gesture camera and SDK are still in development and resulted in additional handling errors.
Hence, we didn't fully achieve our goal of creating an intuitive interface.
Therefore, the focus in the next semester should be mainly on improving the gesture interface. This would also include refactoring the gesture recognition component (currently part of the Java application) into a seperated RSB-connected component.
- Implement missing features for the conventional mouse-keyboard interface
- Improve gesture recognition and menu navigation
- Transition from AR-markers to QR-codes with the possibility of identifying a larger quantity of documents