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Intelligent Systems Lab Project: ASB - Autonomous Silent Butler




Application Szenario


The project goals are


The automomous silent butler is a service robot which fulfills simple services in a non-obtrusive way.
It is capable of serving drinks or snacks ordered by the user. It may also dispose objects like wrappings or empty mugs. In our limited scenario we could not care for any action taking place in the kitchen (moving objects on or off the robot could only be simulated).

Below you find an interaction example with our SilentButler In the following a simple sketch of our state-machine can be found:


The system worked as planned. Some minor enhancement possibilities: Before:


A demonstration is available as interaction video:

Discussion and Conclusion

Our conclusion is that by using ROS it is possible to create a robust robotic system with few ressources and time from scratch. Although minor improvements are reasonable we were satisfied by the outcome of the project. The learning curve of the ROS framework was steep but we managed to customize it towards our needs. Since we heavily rely on this framework in most of the components this was the most challenging but also most rewarding aspect of our work.


Since all our goals from winter term 2011 were met we will concentrate on the robustness of the work done so far. In short this means an improvement of the navigation by introducing the kinect for 3D-navigation. Also, the barcode scanner is going to be enhanced to quicker output results.
Furthermore, we will aim for improving the user-friendliness even more: