Universität Bielefeld

Kevin Fischer

About me: I have been studying Cognitive Computer Science at the University of Bielefeld since Fall 2008 and have been working for the Artificial Intelligence Group since September 2010.
My hobbies are reading (fantasy & thriller novels), pen & paper (Das Schwarze Auge, Dungeons & Dragons 4) and video games as well as producing short films, writing short stories, acting, Japanese comics and many more. Doesn't hurt to try anything, does it? ;)
Furthermore I'm voluntarily doing youth work at my church: Producing short films for youth ministries and organisation in general.
Address: Universität Bielefeld, Technische Fakultät
AG Wissensbasierte Systeme (KI)

D-33501 Bielefeld
ICQ: 175689958
Internet: My Blog
My Youtube Account
Room: M4-112
Email: kfischer @ techfak... Notice: Email address is abbreviated. Extend "..." to ".uni-bielefeld.de".