Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
Anmerkung des GK-Schriftführers:
Es handelt sich um die wohl wichtigste internationale Tagung, welche die gesamte Kognitionswissenschaft betrifft. Trotzdem ist die Ablehnungsquote traditionell nicht besonders hoch. Auch GK-Mitglieder, die mit großen internationalen Tagungen erst wenig Erfahrung gesammelt haben, können also durchaus eine Einreichung wagen.
Preliminary Call for Papers Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society August 7-10, 1997, Stanford University For additional information, see The annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society brings together researchers from many fields - including artificial intelligence, education, linguistics, philosophy, and psychology - who hold a common goal: understanding the nature of the mind. The Society's Nineteenth Annual Conference will take place at Stanford University from August 7 to 10, 1997. The meeting will incorporate two features designed to attract participants from a broader range of fields than in previous years: The conference will include eight half-day symposia on topics that hold general interest to the cognitive science community but that include areas not well represented at the annual meeting. Each symposium will include survey talks by senior scientists in the area and invited research talks describing recent advances. Society members may each submit a single, one-page abstract that is guaranteed to appear in the proceedings. Authors of such abstracts can present posters at the conference, although the program committee may upgrade some to talks. Moreover, the deadline for abstracts will be one month later than that for full papers, and nonmembers may join the Society at the time of submission. Another difference is that submissions to the 1997 conference will have the same format as published papers. Thus, both full papers and abstracts should use two-column format with 10 point type, 1 inch top margin, and 3/4 margins elsewhere. Authors can find templates that fit these specifications for LaTeX, Framemaker, Word, Word Perfect, and MacWrite on the World Wide Web in or through anonymous ftp to in pub/cogsci97/formats Submissions should include the authors' names, physical addresses, and email addresses. Authors should send five hard copies of their submission to: Cognitive Science 1997 CSLI / Computational Learning Laboratory Ventura Hall, Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 USA Full papers must be no longer than six pages, including figures and references, and should arrive by February 4, 1997; abstracts must be no longer than one page and should arrive by March 4, 1997. We will return submissions that exceed these lengths to their authors. For express mailing purposes, specify the phone number (415) 723-1224. We hope you will join us for an exciting conference that will bring together researchers with a variety of backgrounds yet with a common interest in the maturing field of cognitive science. If you have questions or suggestions about the 1997 meeting, please send email to or contact a member of the organizing committee: Jeff Elman ( James Greeno ( Keith Holyoak ( Pat Langley ( Michael Shafto ( Paul Smolensky ( The Nineteenth Annual Conference has received support from the Daimler-Benz Research and Technology Center, Stanford's Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), and the Institute for the Study of Learning and Expert