2nd European Conference on Cognitive Science (mit verschobenen Einreichungsterminen)
Anmerkung des GK-Schriftführers:
Zu dieser Tagung wurde am 28.11.96 bereits eine Ankündigung
über den E-Mail-Verteiler der GK verschickt. Gerade diese
Woche wurden aber die wichtigsten Einreichungstermine um
einen Monat verschoben. Da in den meisten Kategorien
lediglich eine Zusammenfassung eingereicht werden muß, ist
der Termin vielleicht jetzt für einige erreichbar.
Diese Tagung wird von der GK offiziell unterstützt. Außerdem
ist der Zeitschriftenherausgeber der GK, Gerhard Strube,
Mitglied des Programmkomitees.
E C C S 1 9 9 7 Manchester U.K. The AISB has pleasure in announcing a Call for registration for the 2nd European Conference on Cognitive Science (http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/ai/ECCS97/index.html) 9-11 April 1997 Manchester, U.K. following the AISB Workshops and tutorial series 7-8 April 1997, also at Manchester. The Conference is supported by the following European Cognitive Science and related Societies and Associations: ACC AEPIA AI*IA AISB ARC EACE EARLI ESCP ESSCS GK NVKI SGAICO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration ============ To register, please print out and fill in the attached form and return to the University of Manchester. This form is also available at the WWW address http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/ai/ECCS97/registration_form.html, or by ftp from ftp://ftp.cs.man.ac.uk/pub/ai/ECCSform.ps.Z. ***There is a reduction for students and for members of all the participating European Cognitive Science Societies listed above. It costs 25(28) pounds for UK(EU) residents to join AISB. WWW: http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/aisb/application-form.html, Email: aisb@cogs.susx.ac.uk. There is also a reduction for early registration, before 1 March 1997. ===================================================================== Fees in Pounds Sterling *** MEMBER Non-member Activity Days Student Other Early Late Early Late Early Late AISB97: Tutorial 1 50 60 80 100 110 130 AISB97: Workshop 2 60 70 90 110 120 140 ECCS97 3 80 90 130 150 160 170 AISB97:Tutorial+ECCS97 4 90 100 160 180 190 210 AISB97+ECCS97 5 100 110 180 200 210 230 Dinner, bed and breakfast per 25 30 30 35 30 35 night * * * * Registration fee includes: a copy of the proceedings, coffee and tea each day, daily lunches for everyone at the AISB97 and for non-students at the ECCS97. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In April, 1995 the first European Conference on Cognitive Science (ECCS) was successfully held at Saint-Malo (France), organised on the initiative of the French Association for Research on Cognition (ARC). Following the spirit and intention of the ECCS 95, we are pleased to announce the forthcoming Second European Conference on Cognitive Science - ECCS 97. The aim of the ECCS conferences is to further the interaction between European researchers who work in the domain of Cognitive Science. You are hereby cordially invited to submit an abstract or a short a paper within the general field of Cognitive Science - theory and practice alike. As the ECCS 97 is being held in conjunction with the AISB workshops, submissions that address potentially common themes are especially encouraged. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshops ========= In addition to direct paper submission, there are two workshops being organised within this conference. Please see the appropriate pages for theme and submission requirements. * Towards human-machine cooperation Organiser: Jean-Michel Hoc email: Jean-Michel.Hoc@univ-valenciennes.fr Sumbit extended abstract by: 15 December 1996 * Context Organisers: Fausto Giunchiglia email: context-eccs@cs.unitn.it and Boicho Kokinov email: kokinov@cogs.nbu.acad.bg Sumbit paper by: 14 January 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct submission ================= Direct submissions for paper presentations should be as extended abstracts or short papers with a minimum length of 1.500 words and no longer than 4.000 words. * Format: Electronic submission is preferred, either in plain ASCII, in Microsoft Word, or in Microsoft RTF format. If submissions contain graphics, this should be sent as separate TIF files. Alternatively, submissions may be made by normal paper copies. In this case authors are required to mail one original + four copies. Submissions by fax will not be considered. * To: Submissions should be sent to Technical Programme Chair at the address below. * By: 1 January 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates ================ * 1 January 1997: Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: * 1 February 1997: Notification of review outcome * 15 March 1997: Deadline for receipt of accepted papers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programme Committee =================== * Erik Hollnagel, OECD Halden Reactor Project, Norway (chair) * Pompeu Casanovas, University of Barcelona, Spain * Cristiano Castelfranchi, University of Rome, Italy * Jean-Michel Hoc, University of Valenciennes, France * Pierre-Yves Raccah, CNRS, Paris 7, France * Gerhard Strube, University of Freiburg, Germany * Willemien Visser, INRIA, France * Richard Young, Medical Research Unit, Cambridge, U.K. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organisers ========== * Conference chair: Ann Blandford post: School of Computer Science, Middlesex University, Bounds Green Road, London N11 2NQ, U.K. tel: +44-181 362 6163 fax: +44-181 362 6411 e-mail: blandford1@mdx.ac.uk * Technical programme chair: Erik Hollnagel post: OECD Halden Reactor Project, P. O. Box 173, N-1751 Halden, Norway e-mail: erik.hollnagel@hrp.no * Local arrangements chair: David S. Brée post: Department of Computer Science University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL, U.K. tel: +44 0161 275 6180 fax: +44 0161 275 6202 e-mail: aisb@cs.man.ac.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= REGISTRATION FORM ATTACHED HERE ============================================================================= 2nd European Conference on Cognitive Science REGISTRATION FORM 9-11 April 1997 Manchester, U.K. Holly Royde Conference Centre ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal details Name ___________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ WWW _______________ Email _____________________ Phone __________________ Fax ___________________ List of European societies eligible for discounted rate ACC AEPIA AIIA AISB ARC EACE EARLI ESCP ESSCS GK NVKI SGAICO Name of society_______________ Membership no.__________ Where did you see this Conference advertised? _________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about Registration =============================== Please read this carefully The ECCS 1997's sister conference, AISB97, is being handled by the AISB Executive Office. If you wish to register for both conferences or for ECCS97+AISB tutorial (see table below for rates) please use this form - unless you are an AISB member in which case you should use the AISB form. Late Registration ================= Please note: registrations postmarked after 1 March 1997 count as late registrations. Registration fees ================= Registration fees include course materials (if appropriate), lunch (except in the case of students) and refreshments. Please note that if you wish to register as a member of an eligible European society, you must send your membership number with this form _____________________________________________________ MEMBER NON-MEMBER _____________________________________________________ Activity Days Student Other _____________________________________________________ Early Late Early Late Early Late _____________________________________________________ ECCS97 3 80 90 130 150 160 170 AISB97 tutorial+ ECCS97 4 90 100 160 180 190 210 AISB97+ ECCS97 5 100 110 180 200 210 230 _____________________________________________________ Dinner& per 25 30 30 35 30 35 B&B night _____________________________________________________ Registration Fee Name of event______________________Status________________ Cost =___________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost of accommodation 7 8 9 10 11 12 April 1997 Bed & Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Other* Breakfast + evening ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ______ ___ days x £25** =_____ meal £30 £35 * please specify date ** please choose appropriate rate Special dietary considerations (please specify): ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ TOTAL COSTS (Accommodation + registration fee) ________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to pay Paying by cheque I wish to register for the events indicated, and enclose a cheque in pounds sterling, drawn on a British clearing bank and payable to the "The University of Manchester" Amount_____________________ Signed _________________________ Date ___________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paying by credit card (Sorry - only Visa or Mastercard/Access are acceptable) I wish to register for the events indicated, and enclose my Visa/ Mastercard/Access details and the amount I wish to be credited to "The University of Manchester" account. Name on card __________________________________________________________ Cardholders Address __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Card type VISA__ Mastercard/Access__ Card No _____________________ Valid from date _________ Expiry date: ___________ Amount ___________ Cardholders signature ______________________________________ Date ________________ ------------------------------ cut here -------------------------------- Please print out this form and send it to: Angela Linton Department of Computer Science University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL Tel: 0161 275 6166 email: angela@cs.man.ac.uk or fax to Angela Linton on 0161 275 6202 Cancellations: ============= We should be notified in writing of all cancellations. Cancellations received before 7 March will incur a 20% administration charge. We cannot accept any cancellations after that date. Accommodation =============== Accommodation for ECCS97 will be provided at the University of Manchester's purpose built conference center, Holly Royde, 56-62 Palatine Road, West Didsbury, Manchester M20 3JP. Accommodation for AISB97 will be provided on the University of Manchester's Fallowfield Campus.