Neue Professuren; drei Tagungen; WWW-Seite zur Ausbildung
Sehr geehrtes Mitglied der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft,
diese Mitteilung enthält zunächst die aktuellste englischsprachige Version der Ausschreibung von drei neuen kognitionswissenschaftlichen Professuren an der Universität von Osnabrück. Da vergleichbare Ausschreibungen ja nicht gerade täglich erscheinen, sollte diese an mögliche Bewerber weiterverteilt werden.
Weiterhin folgen zwei Ankündigungen von Tagungen, die relativ spezielle Themen innerhalb der Kognitionswissenschaft betreffen, sowie eine kurze erste Ankündigung der nächsten europäischen Tagung zur Kognitionswissenschaft.
Der WWW-Seite der GK wurde vor einigen Wochen eine neue Seite hinzugefügt, die Informationen zu den Möglichkeiten der Ausbildung in der Kognitionswissenschaft bietet. Diese Seite, die auf Vorarbeiten von Kai-Uwe Carstensen aufbaut, wird von Christoph Hölscher weiterentwickelt. Man kann z.B. auf diese Seite verweisen, wenn man nach den Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten im In- bzw. Ausland gefragt wird.
Was die Lieferung der Zeitschriftenhefte betrifft: Heft 7/2 wurde Anfang September verteilt. Heft 7/3 ist gedruckt und wird jetzt vom Verlag verschickt. Eventuelle Adressenänderungen bzw. Meldungen über den Nicht-Empfang von Zeitschriftenheften können z.B. in einer Antwort auf diese Mitteilung durchgegeben werden. Eine zusätzliche Meldung an den Verlag ist nicht erforderlich.
Besten Gruß
Anthony Jameson
Schriftführer der GK
Im Juni wurde in diesem Verteiler über die Einrichtung des internationalen Studiengangs Kognitionswissenschaft an der Universität Osnabrück berichtet. Inzwischen erschien auch diese Ausschreibung für drei im Rahmen dieses Programms einzurichtenden Professuren.
Das Thema der Benutzermodellierung (einschließlich Lernermodellierung) wird typischerweise interdisziplinär bearbeitet. Hierbei werden Methoden und Ergebnisse aus verschiedenen Teilgebieten der Kognitionswissenschaft eingesetzt. Der Fortschritt auf diesem Gebiet macht es zu einem immer wichtigeren Feld der angewandten Kognitionswissenschaft. Die Tagungen in der Reihe "International Conferences on User Modeling" verbinden traditionell gute Qualität mit vielfältigen Diskussionsmöglichkeiten. Für Kognitionswissenschaftler, deren Forschung dieses Thema berührt, kann also auch eine Reise zum entfernten Banff in Erwägung gezogen werden.
Eine der wichtigsten internationalen Tagungen auf dem Gebiet der Kognitiven Ergonomie, "HCI International" findet 1999 Deutschland statt. Die hier vorliegende Ankündigung ist in erster Linie für diejenigen GK-Mitglieder interessant, deren Forschung einen Bezug zu tutoriellen Systemen hat.
Three Professorships in Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück In the Winter Term of 1998/99, the University of Osnabrück is starting its International Cognitive Science Programme. The programme's emphasis is on language and communication, learning and memory, perception, sensory and motor functions, and the control of action. The programme also includes courses in the fields of psychology (general psychology and neuropsychology), biology (zoophysiology and ethology), philosophy, computer science, mathematics, and linguistics. The programme provides for the following positions to be filled: 1. Professorship (C4) for Computational Linguistics and Cognitive Science. The successful applicant will represent the field of cognition-oriented computational linguistics in research and teaching. His or her research will be expected to emphasize the cognitive-science aspects of language processing and language technology. 2. Professorship (C3) for Philosophy of Cognition. The successful applicant will represent the field of philosophy of mind/cognition in research and teaching. A significant component of his or her research is expected to relate to at least one of the other disciplines of cognitive science, such as psychology, linguistics, computer science, biology, or mathematics. 3. Professorship (C3) for Cognitive Psychology. The successful applicant will represent the field of cognitive psychology in research and teaching, placing particular emphasis on experimental cognitive psychology, theories of cognitive psychology, and cognitive modeling and/or neuropsychology. In addition to the chairs listed above, the chairs in Artificial Intelligence, Neuroinformatics and Neurobiology (some of which have yet to be filled) will contribute to the teaching within the International Cognitive Science Programme. The international Bachelor's and Master's programme is designed for students from Germany and from abroad. Courses will be held mostly in English. In keeping with the programme's character, the holders of the positions listed above will be expected to collaborate actively in interdisciplinary research and teaching and in initiatives to build up the programme. According to Par. 51 of the law governing universities in Niedersachsen, applicants are required to have an academic degree from a scientific programme, suitable educational qualifications, a doctoral degree, and further scientific credentials such as "Habilitation". Part-time employment is possible. The University of Osnabrück aims to increase the number of women in research. Women are therefore especially encouraged to apply; in the case of equivalent qualification, they will be given preference. Physically disabled persons will be given preference in case of equivalent qualification. Applications, accompanied by the usual documents, are to be sent to the President of the University of Osnabrück D-49069 Osnabrück to arrive not later than December 3rd, 1998. Further information about the university's Cognitive Science Programme is available from the following addresses: University of Osnabrück International Programme in Cognitive Science Institute for Semantic Information Processing Katharinenstraße 24 D-49078 Osnabrück Phone: +49 541 969 6221 Fax: +49 541 969 6210 E-mail: cogsci-info@cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de WWW: http://www.cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de/[Zurück zur Übersicht]
CALL FOR PAPERS UM99, 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON USER MODELING June 20-24, 1999 Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada http://www.cs.usask.ca/UM99 User modeling has been found to enhance the effectiveness and/or usability of software systems in a wide variety of situations. A user model is an explicit representation of properties of a particular user, which allows the system to adapt diverse aspects of its performance to individual users. Techniques for user modeling have been developed and evaluated by researchers in a number of fields, including artificial intelligence, education, psychology, linguistics, and human-computer interaction and information science. The 7th International Conference on User Modeling will provide a forum in which academic and industrial researchers from all of these fields can exchange their complementary insights. The size and format of the meeting support intensive discussion, which often continues long after the conference has ended. FORMS OF PARTICIPATION - tutorials, - invited talks, - research papers, - application papers, - poster sessions, - doctoral consortium, - workshops, - system demonstrations. AREAS OF INTEREST - theoretical foundations, - techniques for UM (e.g. adaptive testing, machine learning, and uncertainty management), - construction of user models, - modeling user cognitive processing resources (memory, motor and perceptual processing etc.), - user modeling agents, - interface adaptation, - personalized and adaptive information filtering and retrieval, - tailored knowledge-based information presentation, - adaptive teaching and learning environments, - adaptive hypermedia, information management on the Internet, - multi-modal adaptive systems, - adaptive support of collaboration, - innovative applications of UM techniques and new media, - practical issues of UM (privacy, access, consistency, evaluation standardization). BEST PAPER AWARDS - Best Research Paper prize sponsored by Kluwer Publishers - Best Application Paper prize sponsored by humanIT, Germany. SUBMISSIONS Electronic submission is preferred. For formating and other details see the web site: http://www.cs.usask.ca/UM99 Submissions and queries should be mailed to the Program Chair: Judy Kay <judy@cs.usyd.edu.au> Basser Dept of Computer Science Tel: +61-2-9351-4502 Madsen F09, University of Sydney Fax: +61-2-9351-3838 Australia 2006 IMPORTANT DATES: Nov 14, 1998 - paper deadline (abstracts due 1 week earlier, Nov 7) - workshop proposals deadline - tutorial proposals deadline Nov 21, 1998 - posters deadline Jan 31, 1999 - workshop paper deadline - doctoral consortium paper deadline UM99 is being organized under the auspices of User Modeling, Inc. CONFERENCE SITE The Banff Centre is located in the heart of the Canadian Rockies near Calgary. PROCEEDINGS The proceedings of UM99 will be published as a book by Springer-Wien-New York. This book will appear in time for the conference. In addition, the proceedings will be made available indefinitely on the World Wide Web. The electronic version of the proceedings of UM97, which were published in the same way, is available at: http://um.org/um_97/proceedings-overview.html and http://www.cs.uni-sb.de/UM97/. These proceedings should be useful to authors who are considering submitting to UM99. In particular, the detailed hypertext indexing of the papers will help them to identify related previous research. BRIEF SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS (For detailed instructions see the conference website, http://www.cs.usask.ca/UM99.) Submissions are invited that describe original academic or industrial research on some aspect of user modeling. PAPERS should describe significant, mature research; they will be published in full length in the proceedings and presented in talks at the conference. Paper submissions must fit within 10 single-spaced pages printed with a 12-point font. These 10 pages must include all elements of the submission. Page 1 must include the title of the paper, a short abstract (150 words), a list of keywords, and the authors' postal and e-mail addresses and fax and phone numbers. (Page 1 can also include the beginning of the main text of the manuscript.) The abstract and the author information on Page 1 must also be included in an e-mail message that is sent to the program chair one week before the submission of the manuscript. Papers may either describe important research contributions in user modeling or significant applications of user modeling in real systems. POSTERS typically describe research which does not yet represent a substantial advance but which can stimulate the exchange of ideas. The accepted posters will be included in the proceedings. Poster submissions must fit within 3 pages. The formatting requirements described above apply. A manuscript can be submitted either electronically (as a PostScript file or an MS Word attachment) or as a hard copy. All authors of paper or poster submissions should consult the full submission instructions on the conference web-page. DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM. The doctoral consortium will offer PhD students a chance to discuss their plans and the intermediate results of their research with a diverse and knowledgeable international audience. Summaries of the accepted presentations will be included in the proceedings volume. For further information, see the doctoral consortium page. WORKSHOPS. Half-day workshops will permit discussion and debate on topics of current interest. The format for each half-day workshop will be determined by the proposer of that workshop. Workshop proposals must include a rationale for holding the workshop, a description of proposed organization and content of the workshop, and an organizing committee of at least 3 researchers. Before submitting a proposal, please obtain detailed instructions from the conference web site and advice by e-mail from the Program Chair. TUTORIALS. Half-day tutorials will introduce attendees to new topics of current interest. The format for each half-day tutorial will be determined by the proposer of that tutorial. Proposals must include a rationale for holding the tutorial, a description of proposed organization and content of the tutorial, and a description of the credentials of the proposer. Before submitting a proposal, please obtain detailed instructions from the conference web site and advice by e-mail from the Program Chair. SYSTEM DEMONSTRATIONS. Various platforms will be available for unrefereed system demonstrations. Prospective presenters should contact the Demonstration Coordinator by e-mail and specify their hardware and software requirements. CONFERENCE CHAIR: Jim Greer (University of Saskatchewan) <greer@cs.usask.ca> PROGRAM CHAIR: Judy Kay (University of Sydney) <judy@cs.usyd.edu.au> LOCAL ORGANIZATION: Julita Vassileva (University of Saskatchewan) <jiv@cs.usask.ca> PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Peter Brusilovsky (USA) Sandra Carberry (USA) Tak-Wai Chan (Taiwan) David Chin (USA) Mary Czerwinski (USA) Kristina Höök (Sweden) Gerhard Fischer (USA) Brad Goodman (USA) Eric Horvitz (USA) Anthony Jameson (Germany) Bonnie John (USA) Alfred Kobsa (Germany) Diane Litman (USA) Robert Mislevy (USA) Cécile Paris (Australia) Gordon McCalla (Canada) Riichiro Mizoguchi (Japan) Reinhard Oppermann (Germany) Helen Pain (UK) Fiorella de Rosis (Italy) John Self (UK) Costas Stephanidis (Greece) Carlo Tasso (Italy) Gerrit van der Veer (Netherlands) Wolfgang Wahlster (Germany) Geoffrey Webb (Australia) Ingrid Zukerman (Australia) CONTACT INFORMATION: UM99 (Jim Greer) Dept of Computer Science University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5A9 CANADA Tel: +1 (306) 966-7922 Fax: +1 (306) 966-4884 Email: um99@cs.usask.ca REASONS TO SUBMIT TO UM99 As a potential author, you may now be wondering whether to write up your work for UM99 or for a journal or another conference. Here are some points to bear in mind: 1. A paper that appears in the proceedings will have the status of a peer-reviewed publication in an internationally distributed edited volume, which will be published by SpringerWien-New York. 2. As an additional means of ensuring accessibility of the proceedings, electronic versions of the papers will remain available on the World Wide Web site of User Modeling, Inc. for a long time after the conference. 3. Publication in the proceedings volume can be viewed as a step along the way to the production of a major journal article about your research. The deadline will encourage you to produce an initial version; the comments of the members of the international program committee will help you to improve it; and the feedback that you get on the final conference paper will help you to produce a strong full journal manuscript. Journal editors will not in general be bothered by the fact that a related conference-length paper has been published, as long as your journal submission is sufficiently longer, more detailed, and otherwise expanded relative to the conference paper. (The journal "User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction" is already reserving space for articles of this sort.) 4. Experience with previous conferences in the UM series has shown that they provide an exceptionally good environment for exchanging ideas and making new contacts. There is a sharp contrast with broader conferences, at which it is often hard to find someone who is interested in the same topics as you are. 5. Finally, people who have visited Banff in the Canadian Rockies often claim that it is one of the most beautiful places the world. There is nothing wrong with enjoying this beauty for a few days before or after UM99.[Zurück zur Übersicht]
CALL FOR PAPERS Special Session: Intelligent Tutoring and Learning Environments 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCI International '99, August 22-27, 1999, Munich, Germany Deadline for extended abstract: Nov. 30, 1998 A special session is taking place under the auspices of the conference dealing with various issues of Intelligent Tutoring and Learning Environments (ITE/ILE). The focus of the session will be on: - Domain related, organisational and technical contexts in designing ITEs/ILEs - Involvement of teachers (such as instructors and domain representatives) in ITE/ILE life cycle - HCI related innovations (such as interaction methods, animations, simulations and virtual environments) in ITE/ILE Submission Deadlines: Extended abstracts (1000 words): Nov. 30, 1998 Notification of review outcome: Jan. 30, 1999 Deadline for receipt of accepted papers: April 30, 1999 Submissions should include a statement of objectives and significance of the work to be presented, a description of the methods or technical approach used, and a discussion of results. Please send your abstract submissions to: Dr. Kinshuk GMD-FIT, Schloss Birlinghoven D-53754 Sankt Augustin Germany Email: kinshuk@ieee.org Tel: (49) 2241 14 2144 Fax: (49) 2241 14 2065 Email submission of abstracts is preferred. Please use one of the following file formats: Word for Windows, WordPerfect or ASCII (Do not encode or compress the text). Please include postal and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers with all submissions. Prospective presenters are advised to get in touch in advance if they are in doubt about suitability of their submissions. Up-to-date information about the special session is available at: http://zeus.gmd.de/~kinshuk/hcii99/cfp.html[Zurück zur Übersicht]
First Announcement ECCS'99 The European Conference on Cognitive Science - ECCS'99 will be held in Siena (Tuscany, Italy) October 27-30, in the beautiful Pontignano: a XV century Certosa in the Chianti valley. The Conference scope will range from theoretical works to applications, and from experimental methods to computer simulation and field research. A preliminary Call for Papers will be sent next week, including the selected topics of this year, the Advisory Board and Program Committee, instructions and deadlines for submission. The Conference Chair Prof. Sebastiano Bagnara University of Sienna[Zurück zur Übersicht]