
Stipendien, Stellen und eine Tagung

Sehr geehrtes Mitglied der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft,

weil die folgenden drei Ankündigungen aus dem Ausland verschickt werden, werden sie ausnahmsweise erst in ca. 3 Wochen auf der WWW-Seite der GK nachzulesen sein.

Auch im Namen des GK-Vorstandes wünsche ich Ihnen eine entspannende Urlaubszeit.

Besten Gruß
Anthony Jameson
Schriftführer der GK

Übersicht über die Ankündigungen

1. Stipendien für das Graduiertenkolleg Kognitionswissenschaft in Saarbrücken

2. Diverse Stellen an der GMD

3. AI-ED 99: 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education

Die Ankündigungen

[Zurück zur Übersicht]

1. Stipendien für das Graduiertenkolleg Kognitionswissenschaft in Saarbrücken


Zur Zeit sind im Graduiertenkolleg Kognitionswissenschaft an der
Universität des Saarlandes 10 neue Stipendien zu vergeben.

Ziel des Kollegs ist es, Doktoranden und Postdoktoranden über die
Betreuung durch einzelne Hochschullehrer hinaus Wissen und methodische
Fertigkeiten zu vermitteln, die den erfolgreichen Kollegiaten zum
gefragten Mitarbeiter in kognitionswissenschaftlicher Forschung und
Praxis interdisziplinär qualifizieren. Professoren, Mitarbeiter und
bis zu 30 Kollegiaten schaffen mit ihren Forschungsprogrammen und
-projekten ein inhaltlich wie methodisch weit gefächertes und
wissenschaftlich anregendes Forschungsumfeld.

Das Programm des Graduiertenkollegs konzentriert sich auf Beiträge
aus der Philosophie, der Kognitiven Psychologie, der
Computerlinguistik und der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Dabei dient ein
interdisziplinäres Forschungsprogramm mit Einzelvorhaben aus den
Bereichen kognitive Architektur, soziale Interaktion, Sprache und
Sprachverhalten sowie Methodenentwicklung einer vertiefenden
Beschäftigung mit Fragestellungen über den Rahmen des jeweils eigenen
Dissertationsprojektes hinaus.

Wenn Sie sich bewerben möchten, schreiben Sie bitte an:

Graduiertenkolleg Kognitionswissenschaft
AE Prof. Tack
Universität des Saarlandes
Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken

Fügen Sie Ihrer Bewerbung bitte folgendes bei:

- Eine Kurzdarstellung Ihrer Interessen im Bereich Kognitionswissenschaft.

- Lebenslauf und Studienübersicht

- Falls schon vorhanden, Ihr Schriftenverzeichnis

- Eine Kopie Ihrer Diplom-, Magister oder Doktorarbeit

- Zeugniskopien

- Falls vorhanden, eine Kurzdarstellung Ihres Forschungsvorhabens

- Adresse eines Hochschullehrers, der ggf. um ein Gutachten gebeten werden

Der BEWERBUNGSSCHLUSS ist der 31. Juli 1998!

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter


[Zurück zur Übersicht]

2. Diverse Stellen an der GMD

Diverse Stellen an der GMD

Im Bereich Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation des Instituts FIT der GMD -
Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH sind je zwei Stellen für

- Postdoktoranden,
- Doktoranden,
- wiss. Mitarbeiter (BAT IIa oder IIa/2, nach DFG-Bestimmungen) sowie
- studentische Hilfskräfte

zu besetzen. Bewerber sollten Kenntnisse in einem oder mehreren der
folgenden Gebiete besitzen:

- Software Engineering
- Benutzermodellierung
- Knowledge Management
- Agents, Middleware, Java
- Maschinelles Lernen

Aufgaben: Forschungsarbeiten im Bereich von benutzerfreundlichen
Informationsumgebungen, Systementwicklung, wissenschaftliche
Veröffentlichungen. Gegebenenfalls Mitarbeit in Industrieprojekten.

Nähere Informationen über den Forschungsbereich: http://zeus.gmd.de/hci
Kurzbewerbungen erbeten an Alfred.Kobsa@gmd.de

[Zurück zur Übersicht]

3. AI-ED 99: 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education


AI-ED 99
19 - 23 JULY 1999     LE MANS, FRANCE

Open Learning Environments

New Computational Technologies
to Support Learning, Exploration and Collaboration

URL: http://ai-ed99.univ-lemans.fr

Co-Sponsored by:
- The International AI-ED Society
  President: Gordon McCalla, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
- Université du Maine - Le Mans (France)
- AFIA: Association FranÇaise pour l'Intelligence Artificielle
- ARC: Association pour la Recherche Cognitive

The 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education
(AI-ED 99) is the next in an ongoing series of biennial international
conferences designed to report the best research in the field of
-------------A(rtificial)I(ntelligence in ED(ucation)--------------
and to provide opportunities for the cross-fertilisation
of information and ideas on research and applications in this field.

The theme for 1999 will be Open Learning Environments:
New Computational Technologies to Support
Learning, Exploration and Collaboration.

Papers that explore the emerging roles of intelligent multimedia
and distributed technologies as well as computer supported
collaboration within that theme will be particularly welcome.

You are invited to submit proposals for research papers, survey papers,
theme papers, posters, tutorials, workshops, and panels.
All proposals will be reviewed for inclusion in the technical program.


The technical program focuses on research activities linking
Artificial Intelligence theories and techniques with Educational
theory and practice. Interest aeras include but are not limited to:

AI ED and teachers education
Authoring systems and tutoring shells
Case-based systems
Cognitive development
Cognitive diagnosis
Collaboration and collaborative tools
Computer-assisted language learning
Conceptual change
Educational robotics
Evaluation of instructional systems
Human factors and interface design
Intelligent multimedia and hypermedia systems
Intelligent tutoring systems
Knowledge and skill acquisition
Knowledge representation for instruction
Learning environments and microworlds
Modelling pedagogical interactions
Natural language interfaces
Networked learning and teaching systems
Non-standard and innovative interfaces
Principles and tools for instructional design
Social and cultural aspects of learning
Student modelling
Higher-order thinking skills and metacognition
Theories of teaching
Visual and graphical interfaces

+In addition to RESEARCH papers and posters in the above areas, SURVEY
papers will also be accepted. A survey paper will offer a coherent and
critical summary of achievements and outstanding problems in an area.

+To attract young researchers, there will be a Young Researchers track,
focussed on work in progress beeing carried out by graduate students and
other young researchers.

+To provoke debate and reflection, THEME papers are also sought under
the specific title " Open Learning Environments: New Computational
Technologies to Support Learning, Exploration and Collaboration -
the next 15 years".

+Exhibits are expected to be an integral part of the AI-ED 99 conference.
Companies or institutions offering to exhibit AI-ED products are invited.

to the Secretariat of AI-ED 99 which is responsible for paper handling

AI-ED '99 Programme committee
Dr. Susanne P. Lajoie
Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology,
McGill University
3700 McTavish St.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A1Y2

fax: 514 398 6968
E-mail: <LAJOIE@Education.McGill.Ca>

| AI-ED 99 Deadlines                       |
|                                          |
| Submissions due December 12th 1999       |
| Authors notified: February 26th 1999     |
| Camera Ready Copy due: March 30th 1999   |
|                                          |

Conference Chair: Gordon McCalla
- University of Saskatchewan, Canada
AI-ED 99 Organizing Committee:
-Gordon McCalla (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
-W. Lewis Johnson (Center for Advanced Research in Technology for Education,
 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA)
-Susanne P. Lajoie (McGill University, Montréal, Canada)
-Benedict Du Boulay (University of Sussex, UK)
-Martial Vivet, (Université du Maine, Le Mans, France)
-Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka University, Japan)
-John Self (University of Leeds, UK)

Program Committee Chair: Susanne P. LAJOIE,
- McGill University, Montreal
AIED 99 Program Committee members:
Robert Aiken USA
Leila Alem Australia
Roger Azevedo USA
Michael Baker France
Nicolas Balacheff France
Ben du Boulay UK
Gilles Gauthier Canada
Monique Grandbastien France
Jim Greer Canada
Barry Harper Australia
Ulrich Hoppe Germany
Ton de Jong Netherlands
Ken Koedinger USA
Alan Lesgold USA
Jian-xiang Lin China
Toshio Okamoto Japan
Riichiro Mizoguchi Japan
Ana Paiva Portugal
Helen Pain UK
Dan Schwartz USA
Val Shute USA

Local Organizing Committee Chair:
- Martial VIVET, Universite du Maine 
  Le Mans - France
Local Organizing Committee members:
Stphane Bru, Paul Delannoy, Elisabeth Delozanne, Xavier Dubourg, Pierre
Jacoboni, Pascal Leroux, Philippe Teutsch:
Laboratoire d'Informatique
- Universit du Maine - Le Mans - France

Contact: ai-ed99@lium.univ-lemans.fr


All submissions should describe original and unpublished work.
Research papers should describe results of system development and/or
empirical or theoretical analysis. A small number of Survey papers and
Theme papers will be accepted that synthesize and examine broad issues
in the field. All accepted papers will be included in the AI-ED 99
published proceedings and will be candidates for Best Paper
Awards. Awarded papers will be invited for publication in the
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
(IJAIED) (http://www.cbl.leeds.ac.uk/ijaied/home),
the official journal of the International AI-ED Society.

Submissions: Submissions should be no longer than 8 pages, including
all tables, figures, and references but excluding the cover page.
Fonts should be at no smaller than 10 point (12 point pica for
typewriters). Margins should be at least 1 inch all around.

Each submission must include 1 cover page and 5 paper copies of the
complete manuscript.
The cover page should include:
- the title of the paper with an abstract of no more than 500 words ;
- keywords giving a clear indication of topic and subtopic ;
- author names with affiliations, addresses, and phone numbers ;
- the E-mail address of the principal author.

Authors are also requested to send an electronic (text) copy of this cover
page to the program chair Susanne Lajoie <LAJOIE@Education.McGill.Ca>.
Electronic or fax submissions of complete manuscripts WILL NOT be accepted.

Financial support: For people from countries with little or no
financial support for travel, and for PhD students, some amount of
financial support will be available.
Contact LOC chair for details.


Authors are encouraged to submit reports on work in progress to the
poster sessions, which provide an informal forum for introducing work
in its early stages. Poster sessions enable researchers to discuss
their latest results in order to gain feedback and to establish
contact with similar projects. Poster sessions do not involve a formal
presentation but papers are included in the proceedings as short papers.

Submissions: Poster proposals should include an approximately 3-pages
written description of the planned poster and should emphasize the
problem ; what was done ; and why the work is important. The cover page
should include the title of the poster with presenter names,
affiliations, complete addresses, phone numbers, and E-mail address of
the principal presenter. Five copies of the manuscript are also required.

Call for tutorials and workshops

The AI-ED Program Committee invites proposals for Tutorials and
Workshops to enhance the skills and broaden the perspective of the
attendees. Proposals should be designed to introduce a new framework
for supporting human learning or to provide the advanced information
technologies for educational use such as AI, multimedia, networks,
virtual reality or multi-lingual language processing.

Workshops provide participants the opportunity to meet and discuss
selected technical topics in an informal atmosphere which encourages
the active exchange of ideas and experiences among researchers and

The format of the presentations will be determined by the
proposers. Ample time must be allowed for general discussion in
workshops. Attendees will be required to register to the main AI-ED
conference. Tutorials/Workshops are a half day or a full day

Proposals should contain:
(1) A clear description of the objectives
(2) The intended audience (experience level and prerequisites)
(3) The proposed duration: a half day or a full day
(4) A 200-word abstract
(5) A 1-page topical outline of the content
(6) A description of the proposer/instructors' qualifications related
to the topics
(7) A cover page including session title, name, affiliation, address,
e-mail address for each presenter and name of contact presenter

To get more details and send your proposals for tutorial and workshops,
please contact the following addresses.

Tutorial Chair
Professor Monique Grandbastien
54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy cedex
Email: Monique.Grandbastien@loria.fr
Fax: 33 (0)3 83 41 30 79

Workshop Chair
Professor Nicolas Balacheff
Laboratoire LEIBNIZ - Institut IMAG
46 Avenue Flix Viallet
Email: Nicolas.Balacheff@imag.fr
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 57 50 57

Young Researchers Track

In conjunction with AI-ED 99 a special "Short Papers" track is being
organized for "Young Researchers" (PhD students who have not received
their PhD by the date of the conference).
Our goals are:
1. to attract as many young people as possible to be active participants in
the conference, and
2. to link young researchers with senior researchers.
In particular we want to encourage presentations of work-in-progress.
For those who are interested we will provide an e-mail link to a senior
researcher in order to assist in the preparaton of the short

Those interested in participating in this program should prepare a short
abstract (less than two pages). These abstracts will not be refered nor
will they be published in the conference proceedings. However, a separate
publication containing the abstracts will be distributed to all
participants of the conference.

Separate sessions will be scheduled for these presentations.
Each presenter will be allowed 15 minutes; 10 minutes for the presentation
and 5 minutes for discussion. All presentations must be in English.

A reduced registration fee is offered to participants in these sessions
upon request and with appropriate credentials.

- Short paper submission: March 15th
- Final Version: April 15th

For additional information and to submit a short paper to this session
please contact:
Cyrille Desmoulins
AI-ED 99 Chair  Young Researchers Track
54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy cedex
e-mail: Cyrille.Desmoulins@loria.fr

Le Mans - France

Le Mans is a town of 150 000 inhabitants located midway between
Paris and the river Loire estuary with the Atlantic ocean.

The town is rather well known for the famous car race "24 hours
of Le Mans", as well as for its cultural and historical aspects.

Le Mans has fast connecions (50mn using the high speed TGV train 200 mph)
to and from Paris and direct  trains from Paris Charles de Gaulle
International airport or Orly Airport, or else from the centretown of Paris
itself (fast RER train and underground link from the airports).

Le Mans is a pleasant town with a long cultural tradition.
The centre comes from the Roman and Medieval periods.

Nearby are the famous Loire valley castles, medieval towns and the old
celtic sites.
The weather in July is very fine, between 25 and 30 degrees Centigrade
(80 and 90 Fahrenheit).

More information concerning the town is available on
For the country around look at the server http://www.sarthe.com.

Accommodation & Lodging facilities:
a) Hotels
The hotels are very close to the congress center (for one night, the rates
come from 40$ to 90$).
Hotels ** have rooms for about 40$.
Hotels * have rooms between 20$ and 30$.
Hotels are at a walking distance (less than 20 mn by foot) from the congress
Hotels propositions and reservations will be managed by the office du
tourisme of Le Mans.

b) Students dormitories
Student accomodation is possible in rooms -one person- by the
university. It is 20 mn far from the congress center using a direct
bus. The cost for one night is 10$ (students) and 20$ (non students).
For lunch, we propose french buffet served in the congress center.
For the evening, Le Mans has a lot of restaurants with traditional
french food, local food, foreign food.  You can choose here between a
large set of nice restaurants.

Every one can find nice and quite inexpensive restaurants, at a
walking distance from hotels, offering meals at 10$, good meals at 20$
and gastronomic meals from 40$ including wine.

Tourism and culture

Le Mans is a cultural city and july is the festival period in the Old town
Just walking in the streets of the old town Le Mans is really nice.

A lot of scenes for cinema movies have been prepared therein the natural
middle age setup.
Le Mans has many attractive places: the St Julien cathedral,
different churches, many museums (Beaux-Arts, car famoust museum of
the 24h circuit)...

A lot of places in Le Mans can be visited by foot. For the others, there are
buses, taxis, cars...

Le Mans countryside offers a wide range of things to see and places to visit:
- In direction of the sea cost: the Cote d'Emeraude seaside, the
rugged Cote d'Amour seaside, but also the side of the rivers (Boating
facilities on the river Sarthe)

- Wine area: the vineyard tourist route through Saumur Champigny
area, muscadet, coteaux du Layon and their famous wines

- For those prefering old buildings: the Solesme abbay (with still alive
Gregorian songs by monks), the Fontevrault abbay, the old city of
Nantes, the castle of Chateaubriant, the medieval city of Guerande...
The famous Renaissance Chateaux de la Loire are also very close.

- but also Paris which is 50 mn far by train, London with the HighSpeed
eurotunel train....

Tours will be proposed by the organisers.

For further information, contact,

for Scientific programme and PC matters,
Dr. Susanne P. Lajoie at McGill University in Montreal, Canada

for Local organisational matters,
Martial VIVET at Universite du Maine, Le Mans
AI-ED '99 organising committee
LIUM - Universite du Maine
F 72085 LE MANS cedex 9

fax: 33 2 4383 3868
E-mail: ai-ed99@lium.univ-lemans.fr
server: http://ai-ed99.univ-lemans.fr


IJCAI99 in Sweden

IJCAI99 will be held in Stockholm, located about one and half hour flight
from Paris, during July 31th- August 6, 1999.
For more details, see the IJCAI99 home page

Linking AIED 99 and IJCAI 99, a good opportunity to visit Europe, next

Looking forward meeting you in Le Mans for AIED 99
Professor Martial VIVET
URL: http://www-ic2.univ-lemans.fr/

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