5 Ankündigungen
Sehr geehrtes Mitglied der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft,
diese Mitteilung enthält fünf Ankündigungen unterschiedlicher Länge.
Auf besonders breites Interesse dürfte das Zweite Interdisziplinäre
Kolleg (IK98) stoßen. Diese siebentägige Veranstaltung bietet
ein extrem reichhaltiges und abwechslungsreiches Programm.
Bei den Dozenten und Organisatoren sind die Mitglieder der GK stark vertreten,
und die Gesellschaft als ganze unterstützt die Veranstaltung.
Die beste Empfehlung bietet aber das Programm selbst.
In dieser Mail ist nur eine kurze Beschreibung in Textform enthalten. Die WWW-Seite
des IK98 bietet eine Fülle von Informationen und Verbindungen nach anderen Seiten,
die auch unabhängig von der Veranstaltung lesenswert sind.
Besten Gruß
Anthony Jameson
Schriftführer der GK
Zweites Interdisziplinaeres Kolleg, IK98 Guenne am Moehnesee, 7.-14.3.1998 >> http://www.tzi.informatik.uni-bremen.de/ik98 << Was ist das Interdisziplinaere Kolleg? Das Interdisziplinaere Kolleg (IK) ist eine intensive interdisziplinaere Fruehjahrsschule zum Generalthema "Intelligenz und Gehirn". Die Schirmwissenschaften des IK sind die Neurowissenschaft, die Kognitionswissenschaft, die Kuenstliche Intelligenz und die Neuroinformatik. Angesehene Dozenten aus diesen Disziplinen vermitteln Grundlagenkenntnisse, fuehren in methodische Vorgehensweisen ein und erlaeutern aktuelle Forschungsfragen. Ein abgestimmtes Spektrum von Grund-, Theorie- und Spezialkursen, sowie an disziplinuebergreifenden Veranstaltungen teilweise mit praktischen Uebungen richtet sich an Studenten und Forscher aus dem akademischen und industriellen Bereich. Veranstalter ist die Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI) mit Unterstuetzung von: FB 1 (KI) der GI, Fachgruppe 0.0.2 (NN) der GI, European Neural Network Society (ENNS) und German Chapter (GNNS), DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Signalketten in lebenden Systemen", Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, GMD, Gesellschaft fuer Kognitionswissenschaft. In den letzten Jahren gab es in Deutschland einen interdisziplinaeren Aufbruch. Er fand im Herbst 1996 einen ersten Hoehepunkt in der Tagung "Wege ins Hirn" (http://www.hlrz.kfa-juelich.de/~peters/WegeInsHirn/). Dort wurde auch beschlossen, das IK als Nachfolgerin der bekannten KI-Fruehjahrschulen (KIFS) auszurichten. Diese Aufbruchstimmung ging beim ersten IK im Fruehjahr 1997 auf die Teilnehmenden und Dozierenden ueber. Die Kurse und die Atmosphaere fanden grossen, oft sogar enthusiastischen Anklang. Das IK findet nun alljaehrlich statt. Als Veranstalter fungiert die Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI), mit Unterstuetzung von Fachverbaenden der beteiligten Disziplinen. Veranstaltungsort Das Tagungsheim ist die Familienbildungsstaette "Heinrich-Luebke-Haus" in Guenne (Sauerland). Dies Haus liegt abgeschieden am Moehnesee im Naturpark Arnsberger Wald. Die Teilnehmer sind im Tagungsheim untergebracht. Alles foerdert einen konzentrierten, geselligen Austausch zwischen den Teilnehmern auch abends nach den eigentlichen Kursveranstaltungen. Schwerpunktthema Das IK-98 hat als besonderen Schwerpunkt das Thema "Sprache und Kommunikation", das in mehreren weiterfuehrenden Kursen von unterschiedlichen Disziplinen her beleuchtet wird. Kurse und Dozenten Grundkurse G1 Neurobiologie (Gerhard Roth) G2 Kuenstliche Neuronale Netze - Theorie und Praxis (Guenther Palm, Helge Ritter) G3 Einfuehrung in die KI (Ipke Wachsmuth) G4 Kognitive Systeme - Eine Einfuehrung in die Kognitionswissenschaft (Gerhard Strube) Theoriekurse T1 Das komplexe reale Neuron (Helmut Schwegler) T2 Connectionist Speech Recognition (Herve Bourlard) T3 Perception of Temporal Structures - Especially in Speech (Robert F. Port) T4 Sprachstruktur - Hirnarchitektur ; Sprachverarbeitung - Hirnprozesse (Helmut Schnelle) Spezialkurse S1 Hybride konnektionistische und symbolische Ansaetze zur Verarbeitung natuerlicher Sprache (Stefan Wermter) S2 Intelligente Agenten fuer Multimedia-Schnittstellen (Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth Andre) S3 Neurobiologie des Hoersystems (Guenter Ehret) S4 Sprachproduktion (Thomas Pechmann) Disziplinuebergreifende Kurse D1 Fuzzy und Neurosysteme (Rudolf Kruse) D2 Zeitliche Kognition (Ernst Poeppel, Till Roenneberg) D3 The origins and evolution of language and meaning (Luc Steels) D4 Kontrolle von Bewegung in biologischen Systemen und Navigation mobiler Roboter (Josef Schmitz, Thomas Christaller) D5 Optimieren neuronaler Netze durch Lernen und Evolution (Heinz Braun) D6 Koordination von Sprache und Handlung (Wolfgang Heydrich, Hannes Rieser) D7 Dinamik spikender Neurone und zeitliche Codierung (Andreas Herz) Abendprogramm In visionaeren, feurigen und/oder kuehnen "after-dinner-talks" werden herausragende Forscher und Forscherinnen zu Kontroversen einladen. Kursunterlagen Zu allen Kursen wird es schriftliche Dokumentationen geben, welche als Sammelband allen Teilnehmern ausgehaendigt werden. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Um die Anliegen des Interdisziplinaeren Kollegs in den verschiedenen deutschen Forscherkreisen bekanntzumachen und zu vertreten, hat sich folgender Beirat aus namhaften Wissenschaftlern gebildet: Wolfgang Banzhaf, Wilfried Brauer, Armin B. Cremers, Christian Freksa, Otthein Herzog, Wolfgang Hoeppner, Hanspeter Mallot, Thomas Metzinger, Heiko Neumann, Hermann Ney, Guenther Palm, Ernst Poeppel, Wolfgang Prinz, Burghard Rieger, Helge Ritter, Claus Rollinger, Werner von Seelen, Hans Spada, Gerhard Strube, Helmut Schwegler, Ipke Wachsmuth, Wolfgang Wahlster. Organisationskomitee Thomas Christaller, Bernhard Froetschl, Christopher Habel, Herbert Jaeger, Anthony Jameson, Frank Pasemann, Bjoern-Olaf Peters, Annegret Pfoh, Raul Rojas (Gesamtleitung), Gerhard Roth, Kerstin Schill, Werner Tack. Tagungsbuero Christine Harms, c/o GMD, Schloss Birlinghoven, D-53754 Sankt Augustin, Telefon 02241-14-2473, Fax 02241-14-2472, email christine.harms@gmd.de Weitere Informationen Detaillierte Infos zum Hintergrund und dem Tagungsprogramm des IK-98 sind auf dessen Internet-homepage (http://www.tzi.uni-bremen.de/ik98/) abrufbar.[Zurück zur Übersicht]
THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF CONSCIOUSNESS CALL FOR PAPERS, POSTERS & WORKSHOP PRESENTERS FOR A CONFERENCE ON: NEURAL CORRELATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS: EMPIRICAL AND CONCEPTUAL ISSUES HANSE-WISSENSCHAFTSKOLLEG JUNE 19-22, 1998: BREMEN, GERMANY The second conference of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will be held from June 19-22, 1998, in Bremen, Germany, hosted and sponsored by the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study. The search for neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) -- specific systems in the brain that correlate directly with states of conscious experience -- has become an active area of research in recent years. Methods such as single-cell recording in monkeys and brain imaging and electrophysiology in humans, applied to such phenomena as blindsight, implicit/explicit cognition, and binocular rivalry (among others), have generated a wealth of data. At the same time a number of theoretical proposals about NCC location have been put forward. In addition, important conceptual questions raised by this work are beginning to be addressed. The ASSC conference will bring together neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers to focus on these issues. Empirical data from many different paradigms will be presented, along with proposals about what these results suggest concerning NCC location. Theorists will address conceptual and methodological issues concerning the search for NCCs. The conference will provide an opportunity for experimental and theoretical researchers to jointly compare and contrast NCC proposals, to consider key foundational questions, and to assess the current state and future of this area of research. Confirmed speakers include: Ansgar Beckermann, Ned Block, David Chalmers, Patricia Churchland, Antonio Damasio, Stephen Engel, Hans Flohr, Nick Franks, Melvyn Goodale, Valerie Gray Hardcastle, Christof Koch, Nikos Logothetis, Thomas Metzinger, Ernst Pöppel, Joëlle Proust, V. S. Ramachandran, Gerhard Roth, Arash Sahraie, Wolf Singer, and Petra Stoerig. ------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS & POSTERS ------------------------- It is intended that the topic of the conference will be covered in an interdisciplinary manner and towards this end speakers are invited to discuss these issues from physiological, psychological and philosophical perspectives. Submissions will be accepted as either poster or talk, depending on their quality, their suitability to the topics addressed by this conference and the available slots. Any person may present only one submission, but may be co-author on more than one. Oral presentations will be limited to 25 minutes, to be followed by a five minute discussion period. Concurrent sessions will take place at Holiday Inn and Übersee Hotel. Poster sessions, symposia and all plenary lectures will take place at Die Glocke. --------- WORKSHOPS --------- This notice is also intended as a call for workshop presenters. One of the aims of this meeting is to allow researchers to gain a background in areas that they may know little about. Towards that end a number of workshops are planned. Is there a topic you or perhaps someone in your laboratory might want to present? Some participants in the conference would be very interested in learning about technical matters such as fMRI or other important brain imaging techniques. Others might enjoy a seminar on a philosophical topic. If you have recently published a book or major article on some topic you might want to lead a discussion on it. As with papers the focus of all workshops should naturally fit within the overall theme of the conference. A non-exclusive list of topics that we intend presenting given sufficient interest include background briefings in: * The latest methods and implications of various brain scanning techniques (e.g. fMRI, EEG, SQUID, ERP) * Blindsight * Neural network or other theoretical models of processing in areas related to conscious activity * Neglect * Differences and similarities between conscious and unconscious processing * Current models of the visual system * Criteria for the ascription of consciousness * Philosophical issues concerning relations between neural activities and consciousness * Please suggest other sample topics, or modify the above!! Workshops will be held in parallel sessions on the morning and afternoon of June 19th. Each workshop is intended to last approximately three hours. The sizes of workshops will vary between a minimum of 10 to a maximum of around 25 people. Workshops that do not achieve the minimum enrollment of 10 people will not be offered. Workshop presenters will receive a minimum honorarium of 900 DM. The cost of attending workshops will be 75 DM. ----------------------- SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS ----------------------- WORKSHOP PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 31st 1998 PAPER AND POSTER SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 28TH 1998 Submissions to be a presenter of either a paper, workshop or poster must include the following information: 1. Title. 2. An abstract of 150-250 words 3. Name(s) Institutional affiliation(s) Postal address(es) Email address(es) Telephone and fax numbers Membership status in the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (Full member, Affiliate, or Nonmember) For papers and poster presenters: 4. A specification of which co-author will present the paper/poster at the meeting 5. Be sure to indicate whether this is submitted as a a. Spoken presentation b. Poster And also, if your spoken presentation cannot be fit into the program, please indicate your willingness to present it as a poster instead: Yes__ No__ Please send - using email where possible - paper and poster proposals to: ASSC 2 Hanse Institute for Advanced Study Fischstrasse 31 27749 Delmenhorst Germany Email: ASSC2@uni-bremen.de Phone: ++49-(0)4221-9160-120 ; Fax: ++49-(0)4221-9160-125 Workshop proposals to: Patrick Wilken ASSC Conference Committee Department of Computer Science Monash University Clayton VIC 3168 Australia Email: patrickw@cs.monash.edu.au Phone: +61-3-9905-5227; Fax: +61-3-9905-5146 ------------------- FURTHER INFORMATION ------------------- Forms for paper, poster, and workshop submissions, registering at the conference, and application for membership in the society are all available from the ASSC website: <http://www.phil.vt.edu/ASSC/>. Please check this site for updates to program information and general information about the society's activities. In addition you can find out more about two ASSC journals by checking out the following websites: Consciousness & Cognition: http://www.idealibrary.com/ http://www.europe.idealibrary.com/ PSYCHE: http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/ Please address any further enquiries regarding the conference to the ASSC organising committee at <ASSC2@uni-bremen.de>. The conference organizing committee consists of: William Banks, David Chalmers, Christof Koch, Thomas Metzinger, Antti Revonsuo, and Patrick Wilken.[Zurück zur Übersicht]
WORKSHOP ON Deception, Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies Minneapolis/St Paul, USA, May 9, 1998 Autonomous Agents '98 FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS Description of the workshop: The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers that can contribute to a better understanding of trust and deception in agent societies. Most agent models assume secure and reliable communication to exist between agents. However, this ideal situation is seldom met in real life. Therefore, many techniques (e.g. contracts, signatures, long-term personnel relationships) have been evolved over time to detect and prevent deception and fraud in human communication, exchanges and relations, and hence to assure trust between agents. In recent research on electronic commerce trust has been recognized as one of the key factors for successful electronic commerce adoption. In electronic commerce problems of trust are magnified, because agents reach out far beyond their familiar trade environments. Also it is far from obvious whether existing paper-based techniques for fraud detection and prevention are adequate to establish trust in an electronic network environment where you usually never meet your trade partner physically, and where messages can be read or copied a million times without leaving any trace. Trust building is more than secure communication via electronic networks, as can be obtained with, for example, public key cryptography techniques. For example, the reliability of information about the status of your trade partner has very little to do with secure communication. With the growing impact of electronic commerce distance trust building becomes more and more important, and better models of trust and deception are needed. One trend is that in electronic communication channels extra agents, the so-called Trusted Third Parties, are introduced in an agent community that take care of trustbuilding among the other agents in the network. For example, in some cases the successful application of public key cryptography critically depends on trusted third parties that issue the keys. Although we do not focus in this workshop on techniques for secure communication (e.g. public key cryptography), we would welcome analyses about the advantages and limitations of these techniques for trustbuilding. The notion of trust is definitely important in other domains of agents' theory, beyond that of electronic commerce. It seems even foundational for the notion of "agency" and for its defining relation of acting "on behalf of". So, trust is relevant also in HC interaction; consider the relation between the user and her/his personal assistant (and, in general, her/his computer). But it is also critical for modeling groups and teams, organisations, coordination, negotiation, with the related trade-off between local/individual utility and global/collective interest; or in modelling distributed knowledge and its circulation. In sum, the notion of trust is crucial for all the major topics of Multi-Agent systems. Thus what is needed is a general and principled theory of trust, of its cognitive and affective components, and of its social functions. Analogously the study of deception not only is very relevant for avoiding practical troubles, but it seems really foundational for the theory of communication. First, because it challenges Grice's principles of linguistic communication; second, because the notion of "sign" itself has been defined in semiotics in relation to deception: "In principle, Semiotics is the discipline studying whatever can be used for lying" (U. Eco). Thus not only practical defences from deception (like reputations, guaranties, etc.), but also a general and principled theory of deception and of its forms (including fraud) are needed. We would encourage an interdisciplinary focus of the workshop as well as the presentation of a wide range of models of deception, fraud and trust(building). Just to mention some examples; AI models, BDI models, cognitive models, game theory and also management science theories about trustbuilding. Suggested topics include, but are not restricted to: * models of deception and of its functions * models of trust and of its functions * models of fraud * role of trust and trusted third parties (TTP) in electronic commerce * defensive strategies and mechanisms * ways to detect and prevent deception and fraud WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION The full-day workshop will be aimed at creating an informal atmosphere for stimulating discussions, interdisciplinary exchange and deep understanding of each other's pespective. We plan to have both: Paper presentations: Long presentations (25-30 min) of the accepted papers, plus 10-15 minutes for discussion (possibly with discussants). Plenary discussion at the end. Panel sessions: A couple of topics will be selected for a focused discussion. Some of the attendees will be requested to participate as panelists. The panels chairs will circulate prior to the workshop a list of questions for the panelists. The accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. The publication of a revised version of the accepted papers is being negotiated with a high quality publisher. SUBMISSION: CRITERIA, FORMATS, PROCEDURE The workshop welcomes submissions of original, high quality papers addressing issues that are clearly relevant to trust, deception and fraud in agent-based systems, either from a theoretical or an applied perspective. Papers will be peer reviewed by at least two referees from a group of reviewers selected by the workshop organizers. Submitted papers should be new work that has not been published elsewhere or is not about to be published elsewhere. Paper submissions: will include a full paper and a separate title page with the title, authors (full address), a 300-400 word abstract, and a list of keywords. The length of submitted papers must not exceed 12 pages including all figures, tables, and bibliography. All papers must be written in English. * The authors must send by email the title page of their paper by January 15th. * Submissions must be send electronically, as a postscript or MSword format file, by January 20th. * The authors must also airmail one hard copy of their paper to two of the organizers as soon as possible after the electronic submission. * No submissions by fax or arriving after the deadline will be accepted. SUBMISSION ADDRESS for the electronic submission Rino Falcone falcone@pscs2.irmkant.rm.cnr.it tel. +39 - 6 - 860 90 211 for the airmail hard copy Babak Sadighi Firozabadi Department of Computing - Imperial College 180 Queen's Gate - London SW7 2BZ - U.K. and (notice "and") Cristiano Castelfranchi National Research Council - Institute of Psychology Viale Marx, 15 - 00137 Roma - ITALY tel +39 6 860 90 518 IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for the electronic title page January 15, 1998 Deadline for Paper Submission January 20, 1998 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection March 1, 1998 Deadline for camera-ready version April 1, 1998 Workshop May 9, 1998 Workshop organizers: Cristiano Castelfranchi (co-chair) National Research Council - Institute of Psychology- Rome - Italy Yao-Hua Tan (co-chair) EURIDIS - Erasmus University - Rotterdam - The Netherlands Babak Sadighi Firozabadi Department of Computing - Imperial College - London - UK Rino Falcone National Research Council - Institute of Psychology - Rome - Italy[Zurück zur Übersicht]
Apologies to those of you who receive multiple copies ESSLLI-98 Workshop on MUTUAL KNOWLEDGE, COMMON GROUND AND PUBLIC INFORMATION August 24 - 28, 1998 A workshop held as part of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-98) August 17 - 28, 1998, Saarbrueken, Germany ** FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS ** ORGANISERS: Wolfgang Heydrich and Hannes Rieser (Hamburg/Bielefeld) Web site: http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~esslli98/workshops.html BACKGROUND The topic of the workshop is in the common focus of several disciplines: cognitive science, linguistic pragmatics & semantics, philosophical logic, AI, and psychology. It concerns research in areas like discourse analysis, coordination, presupposition and accomodation, as well as the formal reconstruction of dialogue and interaction. There are obvious connections to problems of group-epistemology and general (philosophical) concepts like intersubjectivity. The topic constitutes a field of discussion where empirical and formal methodologies meet (from controlled experiments and discourse analysis to, say, non-well-founded set theory). We invite contributions from all the fields mentioned above, which may focus on: - foundational problems (epistemic logic, social ontology, set theory), - descriptive and experimental work in psychology, linguistics and ethnomethodology, - applications in models of agent's behaviour based on e.g., intention analysis, Gricean accounts or speech act theory, - computer simulation implementing the concepts mentioned. WORKSHOP FORMAT: The workshop will consist of five sessions (90 min. each) of presentation and discussion of contributed papers. It will take place during the second week of the Summer School and will be open to all members of the LLI community. SUBMISSIONS: All reserchers in the area, but especially Ph.D. students and young reserachers, are encouraged to submit a two-page abstract (hard copies or by e-mail) to one of the following addresses: Prof.Dr. Hannes Rieser PD Dr. Wolfgang Heydrich University of Bielefeld University of Hamburg Fak. Lili Germanisches Seminar Postfach 100131 Von-Melle-Park 6 D-33501 Bielefeld D-20146 Hamburg Germany Germany rieser@lili.uni-bielefeld.de heydrich@lili.uni-bielefeld.de phone: 0049-521-1063666 phone: 0049-40-4222501 fax: 0049-521-1062996 fax: 0049-40-4222603 The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 15, 1998. Notification of contributors will be given around April 15, 1998. Contributors of selected papers will be asked to provide extended abstracts (five pages) to be distributed as work-shop notes. The deadline for submission of extended abstracts is May 15, 98. REGISTRATION: Workshop contributors will be required to register for ESSLLI-98, but they will be eligible for a reduced registration fee. IMPORTANT DATES: Feb 15, 98: Deadline for submissions Apr 15, 98: Notification of acceptance May 15, 98: Deadline for final copy Aug 17, 98: Start of workshop FURTHER INFORMATION: To obtain further information about ESSLLI-98 please visit the ESSLLI-98 home page at http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/esslli[Zurück zur Übersicht]
Liebe Kollegen, der Tagungsband mit 685 Seiten: DuBOULAY & MIZOGUCHI (eds), Artificial Intelligence in Education: Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems, Proceedings of AI-ED 97 World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Kobe, Japan; Amsterdam: IOS-Press, ISBN 90 5199 353 6 ist erhaeltlich in Deutschland bei: IOS Press Spandauer Strasse 2 D-10178 Berlin oder direkt bei Prof. Mizoguchi (miz@ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp). Mit freundlichem Gruss Claus Moebus[Zurück zur Übersicht]