2 Kurzmitteilungen und 4 Ankündigungen
Sehr geehrtes Mitglied der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft,
1. Heft 6/2 der Zeitschrift Kognitionswissenschaft müßte vor einigen Tagen alle GK-Mitglieder erreicht haben. Wer es nicht erhalten hat bzw. eine Adressenänderung melden möchte, soll bitte eine kurze Mitteilung an GKognitionswissenschaft@cs.uni-sb.de schicken. (Heft 6/3 ist vor etwa einem Monat in den Satz gegangen.)
2. Zwei Tagungen, die schon länger in der GK-Veranstaltungsseite angekündigt wurden, haben inzwischen stattgefunden: What Does Implicit Cognition Tell Us About Consciousness? (http://server.phil.vt.edu/assc/) bzw. die Sixth International Conference on User Modeling (http://www.cs.uni-sb.de/UM97/). Die WWW-Seiten beider Tagungen bieten jetzt ausführliche Texte zu den gehaltenen Vorträgen.
Jetzt folgt noch eine Übersicht über vier Ankündigungen; danach folgen die Ankündigungen selbst. Wie immer, kann diese Mitteilung auch als Hypertext-Dokument über die WWW-Seite der GK gelesen werden.
Besten Gruß
Anthony Jameson
Schriftführer der GK
Wer nach dem Lesen des Artikels Intentionale Steuerung kognitiver Prozesse von Rainer H. Kluwe im neuesten Heft von Kognitionswissenschaft seine Kenntnisse zu diesem Thema vertiefen möchte, kann einen Besuch dieses Workshops in Erwägung ziehen.
Diese neulich gegründete Assoziation dürfte für viele Mitglieder der GK von Interesse sein. Eine gute Einführung bietet die WWW-Seite. Für diejenigen, die diese Mitteilung als E-Mail lesen, wird der Inhalt der ersten Seite unten abgedruckt.
Ein Besuch dieser Tagung kommt für die meisten von uns nicht in Frage, da sie zeitlich mit unserer eigenen Fachtagung KogWis97 überlappt. Die Ankündigung und die WWW-Seite geben aber einen Eindruck davon, wie eine Tagung zur Kognitionswissenschaft in der unteren Erdhälfte aussehen kann.
Dr. Carlo Musio, Mitorganisator dieser Kurse, hofft insbesondere auf Teilnahme durch Mitglieder der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft.
Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs Kognitionswissenschaft an der Universitaet Hamburg Intentional Control of Thought 27.- 28. Juni 1997 ORT: Institut für Kognitionsforschung, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, Gebaeude H1, Raum 301 BEGINN: 27.06.1997, 9.00 Uhr ORGANISATION: Prof. Dr. Rainer H. Kluwe (Institut für Kognitionsforschung, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Hamburg; e-mail: rk@unibw-hamburg.de) Prof. Dr. Dirk Vorberg (Institut fuer Psychologie, Technische Universitaet Braunschweig) Folgende Beitraege sind vorgesehen: - Rainer Goebel, Frankfurt: The constructive view of vision: Direct evidence from fMRI and MEG studies of apparent motion and motion imagery - Thomas Goschke, Osnabrueck: Decomposition of shift costs - Herbert Hagendorf, Berlin: Preparation and execution of sequences of cognitive operations - Ronald Huebner, Braunschweig: Concurrent attention shifts between cognitive tasks and between stimulus features: Are their costs additive? - Rainer H. Kluwe, Hilde Haider, Stefan Kawski, Hamburg: Effects of unexpected tasks - Jutta Kray, Berlin: Age differences in task switching - Ulrich Mayr, Potsdam: Sequential control of thought and action: Dissociations and processes - Stephen Monsell, Cambridge: Costs of task switching: Progress and problems - Dirk Vorberg, Braunschweig: Attentional vs. intentional shifts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Zurück zur Übersicht]
Assoziation für Experimentelle Kognitionsforschung http://www.mpipf-muenchen.mpg.de/ASEXKO/inhalt.htm[Zurück zur Übersicht]
Die Assoziation für Experimentelle Kognitionsforschung ist eine (zur Zeit noch informelle) Organisation zur Förderung der Erforschung kognitiver Leistungen des Menschen und anderer biologischer Systeme mithilfe experimenteller Methoden.
Die Ziele der Assoziation bestehen in der Förderung der Forschung, des wissenschaftlichen, interdisziplinären Austauschs und des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses im Bereich der experimentellen Kognitionsforschung. Die Assoziation möchte insbesondere * ein Forum für wissenschaftliche Diskussionen verschiedener Organisationsgrade bieten, * dabei helfen, Kontakte zu in- und ausländischen Kolleginnen und Kollegen herzustellen und zu vertiefen, * Ansprechpartner für internationale Organisationen sein, und * Diskussionen zwischen verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen erleichtern.
Die Assoziation und ihre Mitglieder definieren sich neben dem gemeinsamen Forschungsgegenstand vor allem durch die verwendeten Methoden. Dabei steht das Experiment im Vordergrund, ob zur Erhebung von Verhaltensdaten, von physiologischen Maßen oder von neuronaler Aktivität. Als Ergänzung werden auch Simulationsmethoden als hilfreich erachtet, aber nur insofern sie zur Erhellung der Funktionsweise natürlicher Systeme beitragen. Notwendiger erscheint uns die Berücksichtigung der neuronalen Grundlagen kognitiver Leistungen und die Integration verschiedener Analyseebenen in der Kognitionsforschung. Aus diesem Grund bilden zwar momentan Kognitionspsychologie und Neuropsychologie das Zentrum der Organisation, aber Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus Biologie, Neurologie, Medizin, Neuroinformatik und anderen angrenzenden Gebieten sind herzlich willkommen.
Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an die Sprecher(in) der Assoziation:
Irene Daum (Bochum): irene.daum@uni-tuebingen.de Bernhard Hommel (München): hommel@mpipf-muenchen.mpg.de Hubert Zimmer (Saarbrücken): huzimmer@rz.uni-sb.de
Second Call for Papers Fourth Conference of the Australasian Cognitive Science Society September 26-28, 1997 University of Newcastle NSW AUSTRALIA WWW URL http://hiplab.newcastle.edu.au/cogsci97/ ************************************************************************* * PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE EXTENDED THE SUBMISSION * * DEADLINE FOR PAPERS, POSTERS AND SYMPOSIA IDEAS * * UNTIL 30 JUNE 1997 * ************************************************************************* You are cordially invited to attend the Fourth Biennial Conference of the Australasian Cognitive Science Society which will be held at the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia from 26th - 28th September 1997. This conference involves multidisciplinary participation from a broad spectrum of researchers interested in cognitive processes and artificial intelligence from a variety of cognate disciplines, such as Psychology, Philosophy, Computer Science, Neuroscience, Engineering and Human Factors. The Conference emphasises the common interest among these disciplines towards advancing our knowledge of brain/mind function. The Conference will be held in the David Maddison Building of the Faculty of Medicine situated in downtown Newcastle, within five minutes walking distance from shops, restaurants and of course the lovely harbour and surfing beaches, for which Newcastle is famous. Newcastle is situated some 165 km (100 miles) north of Sydney, to which it is connected by freeway (about 2 hours drive), frequent train service and commuter air services. Several modern hotels/motels are located within easy walking distance from the Conference venue and delegates should consider extending their stay by visiting the nearby Hunter Valley vineyards and the picturesque tourist areas at Lake Macquarie and Port Stephens. The conference will consist of Invited speakers, including Professor Michael Arbib from the University of Southern California, Professor William Bechtel from Washington University in St Louis, Professor Dedre Gentner from Northwestern University and Professor Terry Caelli from Curtin University, applied symposia, oral presentations and poster sessions. Delegates can submit either a poster Abstract, or a longer submission for oral presentation. The latter should consist of a completed paper ready for publication in the Conference Proceedings. This paper must not exceed six pages in length, including references and figures and must be submitted in electronic form using any one of the popular word processing packages. The submission should be single spaced and contain just one column per page. Latex/Tex files should be converted to postscript and submitted in that form. Submitted papers should contain: (i) Title (ii) Author(s) and affiliation/address (iii) email address (iv) a short abstract containing no more than 150 words (v) no more than six pages of single-spaced single-column text (vi) tables and figures embedded within the text, not submitted separately. Each paper will be peer reviewed by two reviewers from different fields of Cognitive Science, in order to ensure high quality and originality as well as multidisciplinary relevance. Authors should avoid unnecessary jargon that will reduce the paper's value to researchers from other fields of Cognitive Science. All accepted papers and poster abstracts will be published in CDROM form. Authors can also include software, demonstrations and other hypermedia materials to support their paper. These materials will be stored on the CD-ROM if sufficient space is available. Authors can select the font and page size that suits their writing style. The preferred font is Times-Roman 12pt. The CD-ROM has been granted DEETYA approval as an edited Conference Proceedings (E1) for Research Quantum grant purposes. It is important that papers requiring revision be received by the Conference Technical Committee before the deadline for production of the CD-ROM. Hypermedia supplementary files should also be submitted by this deadline. Papers not resubmitted in time will only have their abstract published and will revert to poster presentations. These is a possibility at this stage that authors will be able to revise their papers based upon feedback from the conference. In this case the CDROM will be mailed to all registered delegates at no additional expense. The CDROM will have an ISBN number and will be available for purchase worldwide. Authors should submit their papers and/or poster abstracts in electronic form by email to: Associate Professor Richard Heath rheath@HIPLAB.NEWCASTLE.EDU.AU no later than 30th June 1997. Please note that this is an extended deadline from that contained in the original Conference Announcement. Following review, all resubmitted papers will be due no later than 15th August, 1997. Further inquiries about the conference, including suggestions for Symposia and other aspects of the Conference organisation, should be directed to Professor Heath. Registration Fees (in Australian dollars, A$ = 0.77US$), which include morning and afternoon teas and the Conference CDROM, are: $155 (before 31st July 1997) $70 Students (before 31st July 1997) $175 (after 31st July 1997) $80 students (after 31st July 1997) The Conference Dinner will be held at the newly renovated and historic Customs House restaurant and will be held on Friday 26th September, 1997. The cost is $60 per person for Entree, Main course, Dessert and drinks. If you have any special dietary requests please indicate these on the Registration Form. Cheques/Money Orders payable to Cognitive Science Conference 1997 in Australian dollars should be sent to: Dr Andrew Heathcote Treasurer, Fourth Conference of the Australasian Cognitive Science Society Department of Psychology University of Newcastle University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA The Conference will be preceded by a full day Symposium on Dynamical Models of Mind, Their Nature, Relations to Computational and Other Models, and Future, to be held on 25th September 1997. This issue is currently 'hot' and with widespread ramifications. Whether the Symposium proceeds separately, or is simply incorporated into the conference meetings proper, will depend on the interest expressed. It is intended that the Symposium consist of invited speakers combined with general discussion of the issues. The invited speakers include Professors Arbib, Bechtel, Bickhard, Hooker and van Gelder. There will be topic specific seminars (e.g. dynamics v's computation, semantics in dynamical models, dynamical models of early development) as determined by declared participant interests. Expressions of interest can take the form of offers of papers (accepted papers, necessarily very limited, will appear in the Conference Proceedings, as above), offers of posters for a poster session, and offers to attend (simplicitur). Further information can be obtained from Professor Hooker on PLCAH@cc.newcastle.edu.au The Conference Organising Committee are: Associate Professor Richard Heath (Psychology) Professor Cliff Hooker (Philosophy) Dr Andrew Heathcote (Psychology) Dr Brett Hayes (Psychology) Dr Stuart Marlin (Psychology) Associate Professor Graham Wrightson (Computer Science) Dr Bruce Penfold (Electrical Engineering) Dr Peter Pfister (Aviation/Psychology) Dr Mary-Anne Williams (Management)[Zurück zur Übersicht]
ISTITUTO ITALIANO PER GLI STUDI FILOSOFICI (Naples, Italy) promotes and supports the International School of Biocybernetics "NEURONAL BASES AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" Isle of Ischia (Naples), Italy October 13-18, 1997 ADVISORY BOARD (among others) Bisiach (I), Gray (UK), Revonsuo (FIN), Rose (UK) TOPICS 1. Neuronal Bases of Consciousness 2. Perceptive, Cognitive, Volitive and Emotional Aspects of Consciousness 3. Consciousness and Theories of Mind INVITED LECTURERS (among others) Alexandrov (Russia), Davies (UK), Erdi (UN), Gray (UK), Hameroff (USA), Rakover (IL), Rose (UK), Tassinari (I), Velmans (UK), Ventriglia (I), Wolfe (USA) SCHOOL DIRECTOR Cloe Taddei-Ferretti Istituto di Cibernetica, CNR CO-DIRECTOR Carlo Musio Istituto di Cibernetica, CNR LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Antonio Cotugno Silvia Santillo Istituto di Cibernetica, CNR ADMINISTRATIVE ADVISOR Nunzia Aprile Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici INFORMATION: Dr. Cloe Taddei-Ferretti Istituto di Cibernetica, CNR Via Toiano, 6 I-80072 Arco Felice (Napoli), Italy Tel: +39-81-8534113/8543131 Fax: +39-81-5267654 E-mail: neuros@mail.irtemp.na.cnr.it[Zurück zur Übersicht]