Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 2003 inklusive aller verfügbaren Abstracts
In: Proceedings Fifth Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC 2003),
Laval, France, 14-16 May 2003, 229-234.
In K. Dittrich, W. König, A. Oberweis, K. Rannenberg, W. Wahlster (eds.):
Informatik 2003, Innovative Informatikanwendungen,
Beiträge der 33. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI),
29. September - 2. Oktober 2003, Frankfurt am Main, Band 2, 29-44
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, German Informatics Society (GI), Volume P-35, 2003.
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Charakteristisches Merkmal intelligenter Systeme ist das Ineinandergreifen
zahlreicher Teilfunktionen. Während in der Vergangenheit in erster Linie
die Realisierung eines geeigneten Umfangs von tragfähigen Teilfunktionalitäten
angestrebt wurde, verschieben die Fortschritte auf diesem Feld die Herausforderung
mehr und mehr zur Frage einer übergreifenden Architektur, die eine große Anzahl
von Teilfunktionen integrieren und zu einem "intelligenten" Zusammenwirken
bringen kann. Die Entwicklung integrierter Architekturkonzepte ist eines der
wesentlichen Ziele des Bielefelder SFB 360. Dabei entstanden drei auf jeweils
einen zentralen Aspekt fokussierte Teildemonstratoren, die wir in diesem Beitrag
vorstellen werden. Diese Teilsysteme mit den Schwerpunkten Perzeption, Kognition
bzw. Lernen sind wechselseitig koppelbar und arbeiten auf einer realitätsnahen
Komplexitätsebene. Die entwickelten Konzepte können somit einen wesentlichen
Beitrag zur Erforschung der Architektur künstlicher kognitiver Systeme leisten.
In T. Rist et al. (Eds.): Intelligent Agents. 4th International Workshop, IVA 2003, Proceedings,
LNCS 2792, Springer-Verlag. 2003, pp. 23-26.
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FlurMax, a virtual agent, inhabits a hallway at the University of Bielefeld.
He resides in a wide-screen panel equipped with a video
camera to track and interact with visitors using speech, gesture, and emotional facial expression.
For example, FlurMax will detect the presence of
visitors and greet them with a friendly wave, saying "Hello, I am Max".
FlurMax also recognizes simple gesturing of the by-passer, such as waving, and produces natural
multimodal behaviors in response. FlurMax's
behavior selection is controlled by a simple emotional/motivational system
which gradually changes his mood between states like happy, bored,
surprised, and neutral.
Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2003,
International Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 18-21, 2003,
Proceedings, Part III. LNCS 2669. Springer. 2003, 721-730.
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This contribution introduces a new framework for assembly modeling in Virtual Reality.
Aiming at an easy instructability of the virtual environment, the framework provides
a task-level interface which directly maps logical assembly commands to corresponding
changes in the geometry scene. For example, the visual assembly of two parts is
achieved given only a single command 'connect(a,b)'. This is in contrast to the
assembly modeling style of conventional CAD systems which forces the designer to break
down each conceptual assembly task into a series of lower-level subtasks. The proposed
framework consists of two parts: (1) A knowledge-based model of connection-sensitive
part features ("ports") and the connections between them; and, (2), a set of algorithms
that define the task-level interface for assembly, disassembly, and adjustment
operations. All algorithms are computationally efficient and easily meet the real-time
requirements of virtual environments. At the user interface, both direct manipulation
and directive interfaces, e.g. based on natural language instructions are supported.
A family of implemented VR-systems, including CAVE and Internet-based applications,
demonstrates the feasibility of the approach.
In H. Wittenbrink & W. Köhler (eds.): XML,
SPC-Verlag. 2003.
In: KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 4/03, 11-17, Bremen: arenDTap Verlag, 2003.
In: Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging.
Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2003.
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This article presents a framework for incorporating commonly used VR (Virtual Reality) databases for
graphics and physics simulation into an AI (Artificial Intelligence) knowledge base using a unifying
semantic net (SN) representation. Several examples in the area of multimodal interaction for AI based
graphics applications are given to motivate this approach. An evaluation of the chosen SN
knowledge representation (KR) regarding five roles suitable to analyze a given KR is followed by
a discussion about resulting conceptual and technical requirements for the underlying DB/KBMS
(database/knowledge base management system) which supports the chosen KR as well as mediating layers
for external simulation relevant modules.
Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence Techniques,
Human-Computer Interaction, Multimodal Interaction
In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM-5 2003),
Bamberg, April 2003, 277-278.
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In F. Schmalhofer & R. Young (eds.): Proceedings of the EuroCogSci03,
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc 2003.
In F. Schmalhofer, R. Young & G. Katz (eds.): Proceedings of the EuroCogSci03, p. 441,
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc 2003.
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M. Rector, I. Poggi & N. Trigo (eds.): Proceedings of the Conference "Gestures. Meaning and Use.",
Porto, Portugal, April 2000, 365-376.
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This paper describes an empirical study aimed at investigating object references
in Virtual Environments using iconic gestures. Observations are focused on spatial
concepts conveyed gestually and their relation to features of the gesture shape. A set
of important features and spatial concepts useful for automated gesture recognition is
identified. Based on these findings we propose a model of an iconic reference recognizer.
In C. Stephanidis (ed): HCI International 2003 Adjunct Proceedings.
pp. 185-186, Crete University Press, Heraklion June 2003.
In J. Jacko & C. Stephanidis (eds.): Human-Computer Interaction, Theory and Practice (Part I),
pp. 1283-1287, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. London 2003.