Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 1999 inklusive aller verfügbaren Abstracts
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In W. Burgard, Th. Christaller & A. B. Cremers (Eds.):
KI-99: Advances in Artificial Intelligence,
Berlin: Springer (LNAI 1701), 1999, 231-242.
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This paper is concerned with representations which enable a technical agent to
recognize objects and aggregates from mechanical parts as they evolve in an
ongoing construction task. The general goal is that the technical agent has a
detailed understanding of the task situation such that it can execute instructions
issued by a human user in a dynamically changing situation. A levelled approach
for comprehensive shape representation is presented which is motivated by a
cognitive model of pictorial shape representations prototypes. In particular our
system is able to derive and represent spatial properties such as orientation and
geometric features e.g. axes or planes that can be ascribed to the developing
In KogWis99: Proceedings der 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft,
Bielefeld, 28. September - 1. Oktober 1999. Sankt Augustin: Infix, 1999, 292-293.
In: Proceedings VRML'99 - Fourth Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language,
ACM, 1999, 7-11.
In: Working notes, Third International Workshop on RoboCup, IJCAI'99, Stockholm,
1999, 121-126.
SFB 360 Report 99/4, Universität Bielefeld, 1999.
In B. Jung, J.-T. Milde & Th. Uthmann (Hrsg.):
Intelligente Virtuelle Umgebungen.
SFB 360 Report 99/4,
Universität Bielefeld, 1999, 51-58.
In: Kognitionswissenschaft, 8(3), 1999, 115-122.
Working notes, "Communicative Agents" Workshop, Autonomous Agents '99, Seattle, WA, 1999.
In this paper, a virtual anthropomorphic agent is presented which is based on an articulated
figure. Based on preceding work in this line, the aim of our current research is to make the
agent able to perform coverbal gestures in a natural fashion. Besides the selection of the
appropriate body movement to be performed as coverbal gesture, another crucial point is the
correct timing of the motion with respect to the generated spoken utterance. The relationships
between speech and gesture are discussed and consequences for generating coverbal gesturing
and animation control of an articulated agent are drawn.
In K. Beiersdörfer, G. Engels & W. Schäfer (Hrsg.):
Informatik '99, - Informatik überwindet Grenzen,
29. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik,
Paderborn, 5.10 - 9.10.1999. Berlin: Springer 1999, 88-97.
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Dieser Beitrag stellt ein System für die sprachlich-gestische Interaktion
zur Steuerung eines Systems zur Virtuellen Konstruktion vor. Eine Übersicht
über verschiedene Manipulationsaufgaben in dieser Domäne dient als Grundlage,
um Interaktionsbeispiele zu erläutern. Neben deiktischen Gesten des Benutzers
werden mimetische Gesten, die gewünschte Veränderungen "vormachen", betrachtet.
Diese werden durch sprachliche oder gestische Trigger eingeleitet und bewirken
eine Anpassung in den Funktionsmodi der Auswertung, wobei zwischen diskreten
und kontinuierlichen Interaktionen unterschieden wird. Um kontinuierliche
Modifikationen in der virtuellen Szene umzusetzen, werden neben dem Konzept
der Manipulatoren sogenannte Aktuatoren als Repräsentanten für Benutzer-
modalitäten sowie Motion-Modifikatoren zur Korrektur unscharfer
Sensor-Eingaben eingeführt.
In: Proceedings VRML'99 - Fourth Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language,
ACM, 1999, 113-119.
In KogWis99: Proceedings der 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft,
Bielefeld, 28. September - 1. Oktober 1999. Sankt Augustin: Infix, 1999, 304-305.
In A. Braffort et al. (eds.): Gesture-Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction -
Proceedings International Gesture Workshop (Gif-sur-Yvette, France, March 1999),
Springer-Verlag (LNAI 1739), 1999, 291-302.
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This paper presents a technical approach for temporal symbol integration aimed
to be generally applicable in unimodal and multimodal user interfaces. It draws its
strength from symbolic data representation and an underlying rulebased system, and
is embedded in a multi-agent system. The core method for temporal integration is
motivated by findings from cognitive science research. We discuss its application
for a gesture recognition task and speech-gesture integration in a Virtual
Construction scenario. Finally an outlook of an empirical evaluation is given.
Proceedings IDS'99 - Workshop on Interactive Dialogue in Multi-Modal Systems,
ESCA, 1999, 117-80.
Todays multimodal systems, which allow full-body (3D) gestures and speech
as input modalities, are quite restricted to easily interpretable
coverbal gestures with a predefined shape and meaning. In this paper,
we propose methods to abstract the concrete shape of gestures by using
high-level features and to integrate them with coexpressive words using
their phonological attributes. The application of this approach is
discussed for a class of gestures useful in virtual design. We sketch
our technical environment and first implementation approaches to build a
prototype system.
In Miethling, W.-D., Perl, J. (Hrsg.): Sport und Informatik VI, (pp. 167-178).
Köln: Sport und Buch Strauss, 1999.
In KogWis99: Proceedings der 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft,
Bielefeld, 28. September - 1. Oktober 1999. Sankt Augustin: Infix, 1999.
In A. Braffort et al. (eds.): Gesture-Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction -
Proceedings International Gesture Workshop (Gif-sur-Yvette, France, March 1999),
Springer-Verlag (LNAI 1739), 1999, 277-289.
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Led by the fundamental role that rhythms apparently play in speech and
gestural communication among humans, this study was undertaken to
substantiate a biologically motivated model for synchronizing speech and
gesture input in human computer interaction. Our approach presents a novel
method which conceptualizes a multimodal user interface on the basis of
timed agent systems. We use multiple agents for the purpose of polling
presemantic information from different sensory channels (speech and hand
gestures) and integrating them to multimodal data structures that can be
processed by an application system which is again based on agent systems.
This article motivates and presents technical work which exploits rhythmic
patterns in the development of biologically and cognitively motivated
mediator systems between humans and machines.
Sankt Augustin: Infix, 1999.
Kognitionswissenschaft 8(3), 1999.