Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 1998 inklusive aller verfügbaren Abstracts
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Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics 20 (1), 1998, 63-81
(selected retrospective reprint from Focus 10 (4), 1988, 1-18).
In: Virtual Environments Conference - extended abstracts (pp. 19_1-19_4),
Stuttgart, Germany, June 16-18, 1998.
HCI'98 Video Program. Abstract in HCI'98 Conference Companion/Adjunct Proceedings of the
13th British Computer Society Annual Conference on Human Computer Interaction (pp. 76-77),
Sheffield, 1998.
In Umweltinformatik'98: Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft,
Band 2, (pp. 722-728), Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag, 1998.
In I. Wachsmuth and M. Fröhlich (eds.):
Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction,
(pp. 173-184), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
Volume 1371, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
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To recognise gestures performed by people without disabilities during verbal
communication so-called coverbal gestures a flexible system with task-
oriented design is proposed. The issue of flexibility is addressed via different
kinds of modules grasped as agents , which are grouped in different levels.
They can be easily reconfigured or rewritten to suit another application.
This system of layered agents uses an abstract body-model to transform the
up-taken data from the six-degree-of-freedom-sensors, and the data gloves,
to a first-level symbolic description of gesture features. In a first integration
step the first-level symbols are integrated to second-level symbols describing
a whole gesture. Second-level symbolic gesture descriptions are the entities
which can be integrated with speech tokens to form multi-modal utterances.
SFB 360 Report 98/8, Universität Bielefeld, 1998.
Proc. AAAI'98 Spring Symposium on Multimodal Reasoning,
(pp. 22-27), 1998.
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This paper describes the knowledge processing in the CODY Virtual Constructor,
an operational system enabling the interactive assembly of complex aggregates
in a virtual environment. Two forms of reasoners are used: a geometric reasoner
that infers spatial properties of scene objects and a conceptual reasoner that
keeps track of the evolving aggregate's assembly structure. The combination of
the two reasoners enables the system both to simulate assembly processes in
the virtual environment and to understand natural language instructions. By
maximizing the mutual exchange of information between the reasoners, additional
knowledge can be inferred that not only improves understanding of language
instructions but also increases efficiency of inferencing.
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 3, (pp. 257-266), Springer-Verlag, 1998.
IECON'98 - Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
IEEE, 1998, Vol. 4, 2152-2157.
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The idea of Virtual Prototyping is the use of realistic digital
product models for design and functionality analysis in early
stages of the product development cycle. The goal of our research
is to make modeling of virtual prototypes more intuitive and
powerful by using knowledge enhanced Virtual Reality techniques
for interactive construction of virtual prototypes from
3D-visualized, CAD-based parts. To this end, a knowledge-based
approach for real-time assembly simulation has been developed
that draws on dynamically updated representations of part matings
and assembly structure. The approach has been implemented in an
experimental system, the CODY Virtual Constructor, that supports
a variety of interaction modalities, such as direct manipulation,
natural language, and gestures.
Presented at KI-98 Workshop RoboCup, 1998.
In I. Wachsmuth and M. Fröhlich (eds.):
Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction,
(pp. 185-196), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
Volume 1371, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
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Developing state of the art multimedia applications nowadays calls for the
use of sophisticated visualisation and immersion techniques, commonly
referenced as Virtual Reality. While Virtual Reality meanwhile reaches
good results both in image quality and in fast user feedback using parallel
computation techniques, the methods for interacting with these systems need
to be improved. In this paper we introduce a multimedia application that
uses a gesture-driven interface and, secondly, the architecture for an
expandable gesture recognition system. After different gesture types for
interaction in a virtual environment are discussed with respect to a
required functionality, the implementation of a specific gesture detection
module for distant pointing recognition is described, and the whole system
design is tested for its task adequacy.
IECON'98 - Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
IEEE, 1998, Vol. 4, 2028-2033.
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Virtual environments are a new means for human-computer interaction.
Whereas techniques for visual presentation have reached a high level
of maturity in recent years, many of the input devices and interaction
techniques still tend to be awkward for this new media. Where the
borders between real and artificial environments vanish, a more
natural way of interaction is desirable. To this end, we investigate
the benefits of integrated speech- and gesture-based interfaces for
interacting with virtual environments. Our research results are
applied within a virtual construction scenario, where 3D visualized
mechanical objects can be spatially rearranged and assembled using
speech- and gesture-based communication.
Forschung an der Universität Bielefeld, 17/1998, (pp. 7-9), 1998.
Dissertationen der Künstlichen Intelligenz,
Bd. 184, Sankt Augustin: Infix, 1998.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1371, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
KI 98/1: "Aktuelles Schlagwort", p. 34, 1998.
In J. Mester, J. Perl (Hrsg.): Informatik im Sport:
Bericht über das internationale Symposium 12.-14. Juni 1997 in Köln (pp. 181-191).
Köln: Sport und Buch Strauss, 1998.
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Aus der Perspektive benutzerfreundlicher Schnittstellen werden im Beitrag sog. Interface-
Agenten thematisiert, die im Bereich der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion derzeit zunehmend
Aufmerksamkeit finden. In der Informatik versteht man unter "Agenten" eigenständige,
addressierbare Computerprogramme, die Aktivitäten in ihrer Software-Umgebung beobachten
und initiieren können und die mit anderen solchen Agenten kommunizieren können. Zusammen
mit Expertensystem-Techniken läßt sich mit Agentensystemen sowohl Wissen über technische
Einzelheiten wie auch Wissen über Benutzer ausnutzen, um Menschen von der mühsamen
Bedienung komplexer Kommando-Schnittstellen zu entlasten. Der vorliegende Artikel greift
grundsätzliche Aspekte dieser Techniken auf und beschreibt dann neuere Forschungsarbeiten in
Bielefeld, wo seit 1993 hochinteraktive 3D-computergrafische Konstruktions- und Design-
Umgebungen entwickelt werden. In jüngsten Arbeiten werden verstärkt auch multimodale
Eingabemöglichkeiten einbezogen, um natürlichere, anthropomorphe Benutzungsschnittstellen
für MultiMedia- und Virtual Reality-Systeme zu entwickeln.