Methoden der KI - AG Wissensbasierte Systeme - Universität Bielefeld

Veranstalter: Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik

MDKI - WS0506 - Vorlesungsfolien

bullet Vorlesung 1:AI - an overlook (german slides), (Russel/Norvig excerpt), Organization
vl01_einf.pdf ( 289357 Bytes )
vl01rn01AI.pdf ( 43012 Bytes )
Einfhrung_WS0506.pdf ( 61940 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 2:Problem solving and search, Russel/Norvig slides about search. Slides 8-24 are an add-on and should be read for a deeper introduction.
vl02_suche.pdf ( 319622 Bytes )
chapter036pp.pdf ( 331357 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 3:Heuristic search, greedy/A*, Means-ends-analysis, discrimination nets, goal trees
vl03_heuristics.pdf ( 186520 Bytes )
vl03_means.pdf ( 343615 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 4:Local search, hill-climbing, simulated annealing, Adversarial search, game trees, minimax, alpha-beta pruning,constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), Planning introduction
vl04a_localsearch.pdf ( 146290 Bytes )
vl04b_adversarialsearch.pdf ( 180227 Bytes )
vl04c_CSP.pdf ( 201596 Bytes )
vl04d_plan.pdf ( 186332 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 5:Logic agent, Propositional logic and inferences
vl05_logicagent1.pdf ( 534704 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 6:PL-Resolution, forward chaining, backward chaining, efficient propositional inference
vl06_logicagent2.pdf ( 370125 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 7:Logic agent using circuit logic, First Order Logic I
vl07_logicagent3circuit.pdf ( 131370 Bytes )
vl07_FOL.pdf ( 179223 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 8:FOL examples and Knowledge engineering using FOL.
vl08_FOL.pdf ( 126071 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 9:FOL Inference 1; UI/EI, Unification, Forward chaining
vl09_FOLinference.pdf ( 258814 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 10: Forward chaining properties, Backward chaining, logic programming (Prolog), resolution
vl10_FOLinference.pdf ( 339019 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 11:Knowledge Representation; concepts, relations and sentence structure; ontological engineering; semantic nets etc.
vl11_knowledgerep.pdf (New Version!) ( 460279 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 12:Overview of past lectures.
vl12_Overview.pdf ( 119180 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 13:Abduction, induction and learning, probabilistic reasoning, non-monotonic reasoning
vl12_abductionprobabilisticnonmonotonic.pdf ( 259994 Bytes )
bullet Vorlesung 14:Temporal and spatial reasoning
vl14_temporalspatial.pdf ( 219831 Bytes )